Mobile Friendly?

Created on 19 August 2015, over 9 years ago
Updated 3 May 2023, over 1 year ago

One serious drawback I am seeing with Drupal 7 block and theme system is (1) same block cannot be added multiple times, (2) cannot configure same theme used for desktop configuration to be used again for a different platform such as mobile and (3) needs user contributed modules for theme switching between platform. With Drupal 8, it is said to have mobile friendliness in its blood but I see that the problem (1) has been fixed but the problems (2) and (3) mentioned earlier for Drupal 7 still persists for Drupal 8. Are we going to depend again on user contributed modules for these issues? The most important thing for me now it to be able to configure blocks differently with same theme for different platforms. If problem (2) is fixed, then (3) may not be required. It may be very easy fix from developer's standpoint but for front end users, I think this is a serious problem.

Feature request

Closed: outdated




Last updated 5 days ago

Created by

🇺🇸United States cmwelding

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  • 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone

    @cmwelding, thanks for sharing your concerns.

    8 years ago more information was asked for and none has been provided. And in those years, there has been on going work on improving the mobile experience. Also, Drupal 10 uses the new admin theme, Claro. So, I think it is time to close this issue. If there are still concerns, create a new issue with a completed issue summary.


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