[meta] Add a replacement for renderRoot() that returns a cacheable render array instead of a string

Created on 26 May 2015, almost 10 years ago
Updated 23 January 2025, about 1 month ago

Follow-up to / Helper for #2407195: Move attachment processing to services and per-type response subclasses


renderRoot() returns a 'string', but that is wrong, because this is the root of the tree and hence we must take cacheable meta data into account.

Proposed resolution


$content = $this->renderCache->getCacheableRenderArray($html);


$content = $this->renderer->renderRootReplacementNeedsAName($html);

If someone still needs to use the markup directly, they can do:

print $content['#markup']

on their own risk.

Remaining tasks

  1. Decide the new method name (it should not actually be renderRootReplacementNeedsAName()) and add it. Add documentation to renderRoot() about the new method as well as about the workaround above that is required for it to be cacheable.
  2. Convert those core uses that should be renderPlain() already to renderPlain() (i.e. simple renderables with no assets or caching requirements).
  3. Convert remaining core usages to the new method.
  4. Deprecate renderRoot().

User interface changes

- None

API changes

- New method returns a cacheable render array.


It is a major bug, because if you get back a string, you expect to use that => cacheability metadata lost => security issues.

🌱 Plan

Needs work


11.0 🔥


render system

Created by

🇩🇪Germany Fabianx

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  • 🇩🇪Germany donquixote

    Quick idea,
    would it make sense to return a markup object with cacheable metadata, instead of a render element?

    $markup = $renderer->renderRoot($element);
    assert($markup instanceof MarkupInterface);
    assert($markup instanceof CacheableDependencyInterface);
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