- 🇺🇸United States smustgrave
Feel bad just saying "change looks good" but...looks good haha
- Status changed to Needs work
about 2 years ago 7:23pm 7 February 2023 - 🇬🇧United Kingdom longwave UK
The addition doesn't make it much clearer. Instead I think
could have an @see reference toEntityTypeInterface::getKeys()
. - 🇮🇳India pooja saraah Chennai
Addressed the comment on #17
Attached patch against Drupal 9.5.x - Status changed to Needs review
about 2 years ago 11:43am 8 February 2023 - Status changed to Needs work
about 2 years ago 4:31pm 12 February 2023 - 🇺🇸United States tim.plunkett Philadelphia
I believe that @see isn't valid in the middle of a docblock. Also this results in the previous sentence ending in the middle now, trailing off with "on"