Add form-item error styling to Bartik inline with Seven's styles.

Created on 23 April 2015, over 9 years ago
Updated 11 December 2024, 8 days ago

It has become apparent from the work in #1493324: Inline form errors for accessibility and UX that Bartik does not have it's own form item error styling, it only uses what Core gives it.

The current styles do a basic job but it would be great to improve them.
For example, errors show as a 2px red border on all form items. But when you focus on the element the focus colour is blue and the text prints in black. You would think at least the focus would be red.

Looking at Seven it has really nice clear error styles on form elements that consider usability and accessibility for the user.
Error background colours, text colours and focus styles have been added.

The styles of the form elements in Seven have been even more improved within #1493324: Inline form errors for accessibility and UX .


How to manually test this issue

Pull 8.2.x HEAD and apply the latest patch
Install Drupal
Log in as user 1
Download and install dmsmidt's Errorstyle module from GitHub (forked from vijaycs85's original)
Choose your preferred theme from /admin/appearance
Go to /error-style/form
Submit the form
See all the errors.

📌 Task

Needs work




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🇬🇧United Kingdom emma.maria

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