ForumBlockBase::defaultConfiguration() uses a seemingly defunct 'properties' key

Created on 27 April 2014, almost 11 years ago
Updated 15 May 2024, 9 months ago


(I came across this when porting Login History to D8.)

In D7 hook_block_info() had a 'properties' key and the only documented key of properties was 'administrative', a boolean. #1535868: Convert all blocks into plugins removed these docs and moved at least some of the administrative = TRUE properties to blockSettings() methods on the block plugins.

It looks like blockSettings() is now defaultConfiguration() on a block plugin, at least for the case of ForumBlockBase. It seems like all of the other block plugins that were using 'administrative' have now been converted to views.

This 'properties' information ends up in active config but I'm not sure if or how it's used in D8. Most or all of the other data in the defaultConfiguration() methods of other block plugins in core seems to be related to things that a user can configure on the block instance form.

Proposed resolution

Remove the 'properties' from \Drupal\forum\Plugin\Block\ForumBlockBase::defaultConfiguration() or document somewhere what this does and how to use it.

If this is just a simple removal, the component can be changed to forum.module.

Remaining tasks

Figure out what to do.

User interface changes


API changes


🐛 Bug report

Needs work





Created by

🇨🇦Canada star-szr

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