$entity->original gets stale between updates

Created on 20 November 2013, about 11 years ago
Updated 12 April 2023, over 1 year ago


In contrib it is common for workflows to be implemented by resaving the entity in a hook_entity_update() or a matching Rule.
So if my commerce order needs to go through 4 different statuses, and can't skip them by just doing hook_entity_presave(), it is going to do do a status change and a save as the last hook_entity_update() operation / rule.

The code that initializes $entity->original is contained in EntityStorageBase::doPreSave(), the method called before hook_entity_update() implementations are invoked, which contains the following code.

// Load the original entity, if any.
if ($id_exists && !isset($entity->original)) {
  $entity->original = $this->loadUnchanged($id);

This prevents $entity->original from being reloaded, so when I react on a fourth status change, $entity->original->status is still pointing at the first one. Ideally workflows like this would be handled in events / hooks outside of the save pipeline, but Drupal is not currently discouraging this practice.

Steps to reproduce

use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;

$node = Node::create(['type' => 'page']);
$node->set('title', 'Drupal 9 rocks!');
$node->set('title', 'Drupal 10 rocks!');

 * Implements hook_node_update().
function mymodule_node_update(Node $node): void {
  // The node has been created with the title 'Drupal 9 rocks!'.
  // Then we update it to say "Drupal 10 rocks!".
  // This hook catches that update, and changes it to "Drupal 11 rocks!".
  // This is a simple example that could be replaced with a presave() hook,
  // but in the case of workflow changes, every status needs to be cycled
  // through, no skipping allowed.
  if ($node->title == 'Drupal 10 rocks!') {
    $node->set('title', 'Drupal 11 rocks!');

  // On second update, check the value of $node->original.
  if ($node->title == 'Drupal 11 rocks!') {
    if ($node->original->title == 'Drupal 10 rocks!') {
      dump('The node has the correct original value');
    if ($node->original->title == 'Drupal 9 rocks!') {
      dump('The node has an incorrect original value');

Proposed resolution

Stop doing the isset check (it's premature optimization anyway), and then the concrete bug is fixed.

// Load the original entity, if any.
if ($id_exists) {
  $entity->original = $this->loadUnchanged($id);

Remaining tasks

User interface changes


API changes


Data model changes


Release notes snippet

πŸ› Bug report

Needs work


10.1 ✨

EntityΒ  β†’

Last updated about 11 hours ago

Created by

πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΈSerbia bojanz

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  • Needs tests

    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

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