Account created on 1 September 2010, about 14 years ago

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🇮🇹Italy openmode

Drupal core 10.3.1, Commerce Core 8.x-2.38, Mail Login 4.0.2

In this configuration in not possible to modify the checkout-flows of commerce.


🇮🇹Italy openmode

Drupal core 10.3.1, Commerce Core 8.x-2.38, Mail Login 4.0.2

In this configuration in not possible to modify the checkout-flows of commerce.


🇮🇹Italy openmode

On /admin/commerce/orders/add..

Error: Class "CommerceGuys\Intl\Formatter\NumberFormatter" not found in include() (line 14 of modules/commerce/modules/price/src/NumberFormatter.php).

🇮🇹Italy openmode

Drupal: 10.3.0
PHP: 8.3.2
MySQL: 8.0.34-26
multiple_registration: 3.3.1+3-dev

On edit user profile it's shown this warning:

Warning: Undefined array key "profilename" in multiple_registration_entity_form_display_alter() (line 399 of modules/multiple_registration/multiple_registration.module).
Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in multiple_registration_entity_form_display_alter() (line 399 of modules/multiple_registration/multiple_registration.module).

🇮🇹Italy openmode

Trying to apply the patch...not work for my installation.
Impossible uninstalling the unactive module.(Version: 7.x-1.2 and dev)

Checking patch
error: while searching for:
name = Ubercart Product Checkout Panes?
description = "Allows for checkout panes to be configured on a per product basis."?
core = 7.x?
package = Ubercart - extra?
dependencies[] = uc_product?
files[] = uc_product_panes.install?
files[] = uc_product_panes.module?

error: patch failed:
error: patch does not apply
Checking patch uc_product_panes.install...

🇮🇹Italy openmode

The products are stored in tables "commerce_product", only 2 products are revision in "commerce_product_revision", ecc..all tables seems ok.
Views and query are ok, but the link to show or edit the single product (admin/commerce/products/id) show page not found.
Only the new added products are ok.
Commerce Core 7.x-1.17

Production build 0.71.5 2024