Account created on 5 August 2010, over 14 years ago

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🇫🇮Finland oakulm

I'm also experiencing this issue. The solution is not good if the way is to move from 3.x to 4.x. I will try to see what's the problem

🇫🇮Finland oakulm

Sorry to come back to this but for some reason the patch does not apply anymore to 1.5. Not exactly sure why it was working before. But the problem is here: in src/EmailFactory.php

I can make the patch apply cleanly with this change but the code itself does not seem to work.

diff --git a/src/EmailFactory.php b/src/EmailFactory.php
index 53e6be0..e7a0714 100644
--- a/src/EmailFactory.php
+++ b/src/EmailFactory.php
@@ -96,9 +96,7 @@ class EmailFactory implements EmailFactoryInterface {

     // Apply policy.
-    $this->emailAdjusterManager->applyPolicy($email);
-    $email->initDone();
+    $email->addProcessor($this->emailAdjusterManager);
     return $email;

addProcessor expects callable as a param. Any ideas?

🇫🇮Finland oakulm

Great news! I can see that the patch applies to 1.x-dev and emails are being sent in user preferred language. Subject and body are both working and fallback language is also working if there's no translation.

For someone to verify go to admin/config/system/mailer/test translate the test email policy, add email of existing user to recipient email address field and hit send. Also make sure the user prefered language is correct in user edit page.

I also made custom email policy and it seems to work as well. I'm not familiar with 2.x-dev branch and have not tested on that.

🇫🇮Finland oakulm

After going trough everything I see that there is a mistake in the documentation:

Exclude "Provide Translated External Link" & "Translated Link" from being translated.

If I do not exclude "Translated Link" from being translated, ie. it can be translated, than the module works as it should in my opinion.

🇫🇮Finland oakulm

Hi, well no offence but you might be aware that has tons of issues that are in the category "how on earth does this bug exists"? One might even ask how is it possible that the module has 20k sites and there is a Major issue in the module issue queue, that has been open for more than a month and nobody has bothered to even test and prove me wrong? Also I'm not talking only about the email body.

Here is a short video I made to demonstrate: it would really help my life if I was proven wrong :) The documentation for this module is also severally lacking so I might be missing something here.

This is composer requires for this test setup. Nothing else installed.

        "drupal/core-composer-scaffold": "^10.0.0",
        "drupal/core-recommended": "^10.0.0",
        "drupal/symfony_mailer": "^1.4",
        "drush/drush": "^12",
🇫🇮Finland oakulm

Not really sure about this fix..

count expects to get array|Countable parameter and \Drupal::moduleHandler()->hasImplementations returns bool.

See &

So the correct way would be to:

if (!\Drupal::moduleHandler()->hasImplementations('node_grants')) {

So anyone tested the command drush node-access-rebuild-progressive and it runs without errors...?

🇫🇮Finland oakulm

I don't recommend this approach in the core module.

Hi! Could you explain this a bit more? Because I can't really see much the difference if you use drush or admin UI for this.

🇫🇮Finland oakulm

I had a same request so here is a patch. Added a new button next to "Generate new key" called "Save key" and changed markup field to input field and added a handler for "Save key" action.

🇫🇮Finland oakulm

I'm having the same issue. This is also reported here 🐛 Too few arguments to function Drupal\easy_breadcrumb\EasyBreadcrumbBuilder::__construct() Needs work and there the discussion concludes that the cache clear is the way to go but it does not resolve it for me at least.

🇫🇮Finland oakulm

Sorry to raise old issues but this keeps popping in Google. You should not include references to concrete classes ie. Paragraph but should use service injection:

  'type' => 'param_item',

Same goes with Node.

🇫🇮Finland oakulm

Actually this happens when the DOM is refreshed so AJAX request (multi-step forms) etc. will clear the DropzoneJS widget of the files. Files are still submitted with the form.

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