🇨🇦Canada RobinGalipeau
🇨🇦Canada RobinGalipeau
RobinGalipeau → created an issue.
🇨🇦Canada RobinGalipeau
RobinGalipeau → created an issue.
🇨🇦Canada RobinGalipeau
Hi Stephen,
So is this what Liam can commit... Based on email thread?
* Implements hook_preprocess_page_title().
function MY_THEME_preprocess_page_title(&$variables) {
$variables['gc_thickline'] = TRUE;
🇨🇦Canada RobinGalipeau
RobinGalipeau → created an issue.
🇨🇦Canada RobinGalipeau
Thank Steven, nice that its a patch you can easily install now... will this be default install in future version?