alexp999 → changed the visibility of the branch 7.x-2.x to hidden.
Created a MR based on the simplest solution which is working on my site.
Done! 3490248 🐛 Disabling on Admin Pages Triggers "One or more problems detected" error Active
Thanks to in tolstoydotcom → in this forum thread → for helping point me in the right direction.
I had to temporarily modify core files to work out that it was Advagg triggering the error.
alexp999 → created an issue.
That helped greatly, thanks!
It was Advagg complaining that it wasn't turned on for admin pages, odd that it reported it was ok on the Status report page though.
It would be really useful if even clicking on the link provided by the block made it pop up. Just to provide a way for users to change their mind and later give consent.
It's been caused by 3255460 📌 'Facets to include' lists Summary facet that might not exist Fixed
For some reason the facet title had the source added, really unnecessary and broken front end UI
This commit, included with 8.x-1.05 has caused unnecessarily long titles on the front end.
I am getting facets titled as something like "Views: Page Title: Page : Index : Facet Title"
It should just be facet name when outputing to the front end block, it doesn't need the facet source in the title.
I'm still seeing 49 errors and 2 warnings with the patch in #2 using upgrade status.
Lots of calls to deprecated functions.