oriol_e9g β created an issue.
Same problem with 11.0, slider works for anonymous users but fails with logged-in.
oriol_e9g β created an issue.
Same patch with last version
What happens if bots implement the same shuffle reverse algorithm? It doesn't seem like the final solution.
The problem is that sometimes the entityTypeManager is not injected to the constructor, a temporal workaround can be inject directly from the container if this is not injected.
Same problem with PHP 7.4 and the patch fixes the bug. Remember to clear the cache after applying the patch.
First we need to update microsoft url instructions.
oriol_e9g β created an issue.
smustgrave β credited oriol_e9g β .
oriol_e9g β created an issue.
To avoid scope problems with this JS it's better to use let and const.
Drupal it's a do-cracry, if you want something in core the best aproach is do-it in contrib and then push to include in core.
I think that the best oportunity to see a vue back in drupal should be to create first as a contrib theme or module.