🇵🇹Portugal @HLopes

Account created on 30 September 2009, over 15 years ago

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🇵🇹Portugal HLopes

Indeed it's out of scope, altought touches the 'sync dialogs between tabs' point.

Feel free to create a new branch, just thought that it's a good approach and started experimenting.

Decided to just add a new js file because was just a POC and not sure about SharedWorker support accross browsers and as such one can keep both approaches and just let the user select which one to use (I've worked in a place where older browsers being supported was important)

🇵🇹Portugal HLopes

I reworked the js code to use a shared worker, so we can keep the dialog actions sync'ed across tabs.

Missing a lot of functionality still, just experimenting.

🇵🇹Portugal HLopes

Maybe we should look into JS SharedWorker for this?

🇵🇹Portugal HLopes

Patch that removes both columns (action and order).

🇵🇹Portugal HLopes

Just a note: one can just override the buildConfigurationForm method and tweak the #description a bit instead of using the form alter & helper function in the module file.

🇵🇹Portugal HLopes

You can override the condition plugins using hook_condition_info_alter .

🇵🇹Portugal HLopes

Seems like it's due to core changes.

One is defined in the group module links.task.yml, the other is coming from the VersionHistoryLocalTasks deriver due to the presence of a version-history link template in the group entity.

Check also the note in node.module node_local_tasks_alter.

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