Account created on 4 September 2009, over 15 years ago

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🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

I've also run into this problem with Drupal 10. For me it is the contextual filter that seems to cause the view to display. I have a contextual filter based on a path component of the URL. When I remove the contextual filter the view is hidden.

🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

Thanks for this, still helpful after all this time. 

🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

Have just applied the patch for this and it works as expected. Regarding this issue, it kind of half solves the problem. Part of the toolbar is still visible but it is allowing access to the buttons underneath in Mosaico, which are now only half hidden. See screenshot. This is actually really helpful. Thank you

🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

I have applied the patch for this and it works as expected. Many thanks!

🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

Thanks ressa for drawing attention to this new feature. I think allowing the disabling of the fixed toolbar should definitely resolve this issue, though would obviously need to test. The toolbar underneath is itself sticky so would allow access to it as soon as the user scrolls down.

🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

I am having exactly the same problem. Would love to know how to hide the admin toolbar on certain paths.

🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

bmango created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

That's great. Thanks so much @abhishek_gupta1!

🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

@hockey2112, you can always remove the module from your composer.json file then download the module manually and then apply the patch. Once the module has a release that is compatible with Drupal 10 then you can delete the module manually, and add it back into your composer.json file.

🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

Just to give an example that worked for me in Drupal 10 for a page where I wanted to retrieve the url of a media file so I could use it as a background image in my page template:

use Drupal\file\Entity\File;

// Get media file path to add to template variables to use as background image in template
function theme_preprocess_page(&$variables, $hook) {
  if (isset($variables['node'])) {
    $node = $variables['node'];
      $media_entity = $node->field_image_media[0]->entity;
      $file_id = $media_entity->getSource()->getSourceFieldValue($media_entity);
      $bg_file = File::load($file_id);
      $path = $bg_file->createFileUrl();
      $variables['bg_image'] = $path;

Thanks to  akhilavnair for their answer above which really helped me as well as the answers given at How to find image style URL from within twig template?

🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

With this patch this module is working on D10 for me.

🇬🇧United Kingdom bmango

I tried applying the patch but it did not apply cleanly. It looked like it had left out a hunk for updating the info.yml file, so I updated this manually. This allowed me to enable the module, but I then got a WSOD. The error log gave the following error:

 Error: Call to undefined function
                                                    Drupal\front_page\EventSubscriber\drupal_installation_attempted() in
                                                    Drupal\front_page\EventSubscriber\FrontPageSubscriber->initData() (line 29
                                                    of /home/c

This was using the patch in #3 - front-drupal_10_compatibility-3333080-3.patch

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