Account created on 18 August 2009, over 15 years ago

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🇨🇭Switzerland 4aficiona2

Is it already possible to use/clone Olivero as a starterkit theme? Maybe with a patch since it hasn't made it into Drupal 11 yet.

For Drupal CMS there is the drupal_cms_olivero theme which itself uses Olivero as a base theme and which is not recommended like the module itself states in

# This theme is marked as @internal. It is intended to evolve and change over minor releases.
# Although we are sub-theming Olivero within Drupal CMS, sub-theming Olivero is
# explicitly not supported by Drupal core. This is intended as a stop-gap
# measure to provide great looking content types and components before a more
# robust design system can be implemented.

What is the proposed solution for Drupal CMS and Olivero and the build setup (CSS/JS/img optim) once Olivero got actually cloned? I would like to reuse the the 'menu' with it's a11y features.

Thanks for guidance.

🇨🇭Switzerland 4aficiona2

Will there be a Drupal 11 release / version in the foreseeable future? Thanks for clearing things up!

🇨🇭Switzerland 4aficiona2

rm -rf web/profiles/drupal_cms_installer/cache works fine like mentioned in #3 🐛 Installer is broken in RC2 since release of 11.1.1 Active by @siramsay

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