pameeela β credited rubyji β .
+1. Nonprofits were key to spreading Drupal 15-20 years ago, but have been increasingly left behind since Drupal 8+.
Maybe it would be helpful to have a group of nonprofit advisors to give feedback on Starshot as it develops? We also have the longstanding Nonprofit Drupal User Group hosted by NTEN (co-led by @Jesss) that I think would be glad to give input.
Thanks for giving so much to the Drupal community, Von. You'll be missed! Best wishes for all your future endeavors.
I feel like I must be missing something but I see no role for *DrupalCon Speaker* even though there is DrupalCamp Speaker.
I wonder if this is related to the "Events spoken at" field, which is also not listing all of the camps or any cons where I have spoken.
After the sharing widget stopped working on our site, I went to and saw that they had shut down! We didn't even receive an e-mail from them and we had a registered account with them for many years.
Can anyone recommend a similar tool that we can use instead?
Can anyone describe how a Drupal Project Lead would be different from a BDFL? It is still a lifetime appointment and carries unilateral decision-making authority as far as I can tell.
I think we should change the leadership structure to match if we're going to change the label. Otherwise we're just putting a friendlier face on what is still a BDFL in every meaningful way.