Whilst not a WSOD please see
https://www.drupal.org/project/adaptivetheme/issues/3389969 🐛 ThemeConfig not found Active
For a very similar issue with:
Error: Class "Drupal\at_core\Theme\ThemeConfig" not found in at_core_js_settings_alter() (line 472 of /pathtodrupal/web/themes/contrib/adaptivetheme/at_core/includes/alters.inc).
Or 2.1 released It already has this fix:
Can we please get this pushed? We have a lot of sites waiting on it.
Also seeing this on multiple sites. Have tried changing the nginx config as suggested
https://www.drupal.org/node/2888767#nginx-php-fpm →
But even then bootstrap css js agg fails to create any files.
This is becoming a big issue for us (100+ sites).