Bad news: the exact same issue occurs one year later.
If the filter date is less than or equal to 2025-03-31, the result is always correct.
if the filter date is greater than or equal to 2025-04-01, the result is wrong as described above.
Thanks timohuisman, but I should like to know how to fix it.
@timohuisman: not the same issue, which has been solved 8 months ago.
No, I don't.
Thanks, it works fine after adding |e.
What do you mean? I don't use custom template for this Views display.
Same here.
It only happens with a view display nested in another view display as described here:
https://www.drupal.org/docs/contributed-modules/twig-tweak-2x/twig-tweak... →
It throws this error:
TypeError : Illegal offset type dans Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageBase->getFromStaticCache() (ligne 183 de /var/www/prodd10-ac2f-ec/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityStorageBase.php)
Going back to D10.2 solved this issue.
Very weird: since April 1st, everything is working properly again.
You can close this issue.
@mandclu Thanks for your answer.
I can understand why having the output not in the order you expect is not ideal
Not only the order: as I mentionned above, it doesn't appear at all on Friday.
I would suggest revisiting your view configuration. Based on the issue summary, it isn't entirely clear how you expect the entries to be sorted, except that it should apparently match the first set of results.
Have you tried making the date field the primary sort key?
I made another very simple display, with the exact same result (see simple display attached).
I am not sure you really looked at my post. If so, tell me if you need any other information to move forward.
In the form, the "All day" checkbox is checked, so we cannot provide time: as shown on the first print screen, the time field is disabled.
Do you need more informations ?
It works again, I dont know why...
Sorry for that.
Sorry this is a duplicate : https://www.drupal.org/project/metatag/issues/3363516 🐛 Database error updating from 8x-1.23 to 8x-1.24 Closed: duplicate
If not solved in time, can we use CKE4 with D10 ?
Thanks a lot boulaffasae, it works fine now !
Hi boulaffasae,
I don't understand what you mean by "re-configure the settings".
I have disabled the showIcon an the panel opens via a menu item link.
My concern is about the banner which never displays.
Hi boulaffase,
Thanks for your answer.
Do you have any errors in the Console ?
There is nothing at all in the Console.
I used the 6.4-alpha4 (in a new installation) and I didn't had any prb
It worked fine before I had the issue above. So I upgraded to 6.4-alpha4: the issue disappeared but the banner too.
You also don't have the lock icon in the right side of your screen ?
I dont know exactly what is 'lock icon'. I hide the little TAC icon and I open the panel by clicking on a menu item (#tarteaucitron), and it works fine (cf. picture attached).
I have tried with many browsers, computers and IP addresses, without any success.
When I remove TACjs cookie (cf. picture attached) then refresh the page, TACjs cookie appears again with same values.
Just solved it !
I have deleted the the 2 view modes (email_html & email_plain) then installed Simplenews with success.
Sorry to bother you...