Account created on 14 March 2006, over 18 years ago

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🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Just to manage expectations: our team is currently working intensely on a number of initiatives across all our products and this issue will have to wait, probably a couple months. We might redesign the menu while at the same time refactoring dxpr_theme to be based on Single Directory Components.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi, can you please create a video of this bug? We cannot reproduce it on our side. Please also report what browser and version you are using.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Ok thanks for bringing this to our attention again guys. I consulted with "WCAG-GPT" and indeed we get some recommendations to improve the design. I will create a user story for this and assign it to a UX designer as soon as possible.

For reference, the recommendations:

1. Consistent Navigation (WCAG 2.4.3)
Guideline: Ensure that navigation mechanisms that are repeated on multiple web pages occur in the same relative order each time they are repeated, unless a change is initiated by the user.
Application: The inconsistency between desktop and mobile navigation (where parent links are accessible on desktop but not on mobile) violates this guideline. Ensuring that parent links are accessible on both platforms aligns with WCAG 2.4.3, providing a consistent navigation experience.

2. Link Purpose (In Context) (WCAG 2.4.4)
Guideline: The purpose of each link can be determined from the link text alone or from the link text together with its programmatically determined link context.
Application: Current implementation might obscure the purpose of parent links if they are not directly clickable. Making parent links accessible and ensuring their purpose is clear adheres to this guideline, enhancing user understanding and navigation.

3. Navigable (WCAG 2.4.1)
Guideline: Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are.
Application: Providing a separate icon or indicator for expanding submenus while keeping parent links clickable makes the navigation more intuitive and easier to use, supporting better content discovery and navigation.

4. Keyboard Accessible (WCAG 2.1.1)
Guideline: Make all functionality available from a keyboard.
Application: Ensuring that both the parent link and the submenu are accessible via keyboard navigation is crucial. This can be achieved by making the parent link clickable and using a keyboard-accessible control (such as a button or icon) to expand submenus.

5. Multiple Ways (WCAG 2.4.5)
Guideline: Provide more than one way to locate a web page within a set of web pages.
Application: Offering multiple methods to access parent and child pages (e.g., clicking the text for parent pages, using an icon for submenus) ensures users can navigate in the way that best suits them, enhancing accessibility.

6. Visible Focus (WCAG 2.4.7)
Guideline: Any keyboard-operable user interface has a mode of operation where the keyboard focus indicator is visible.
Application: Ensuring the focus indicator is visible on both parent links and submenu expand icons helps users understand their current position within the navigation menu, making the site more accessible for keyboard users.

Implementation Example:
Parent Link Accessibility: Ensure the text of the parent link is clickable and navigates to the parent page.
Submenu Toggle: Use an accessible icon (e.g., a plus sign or an arrow) adjacent to the parent link that expands the submenu when clicked. Ensure this icon is keyboard accessible.
Consistent Experience: Maintain this behavior across both desktop and mobile platforms to ensure a consistent navigation experience.

I'm also moving this to the correct project.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Definitely, that would be a good choice too. Also our own theme DXPR Theme uses Bootstrap 5 theme as a base theme.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs


Indeed we cannot support both in DXPR Theme, this would require custom CSS.

I'll write more about this in your ticket.


🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Yes it is, I just added a stable release to make this more clear.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

I know this isnt helping but this problem has existed for over 13 years now (!) and still is the reason, besides quite many, we still cannot wholeheartedly start any new Drupal projects.

@sic we have a workaround committed to dxpr_theme that probably works in 99.9% of real-world applications, feel free to use our theme or implement our patch in your custom theme:

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hello guys,

We finally have a commit addressing this issue. It is not a perfect solution, this issue is very complex and needs to be fixed in core. The issue is under discussion in core for 14 years already:

Our current workaround is not perfect as it is based on a whitelist of tags:

A proper solution will have to come from Drupal core. Thank you for your help!

I'm marking this fixed because its committed to 6.x branch but I cannot select this as version on the issue, so mind that it is not fixed on 6.0.0-beta1.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi inst,

In DXPR Theme settings, find the setting Header & Main Menu -> Side Header

Enable it, and you're done :)

Kind regards,
Jurriaan Roelofs
CEO, Chief Product Officer, DXPR

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Thank you Tiru, your changes will break the bug fix referenced in this issue regarding rendering of empty regions. We have an alternative fix under review internally that we will merge soon.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

@saschaeggi Is there anything in specific keeping you from creating a stable release for your projects? Are there any standards that you are following in this regard?

I hope it is not just perfectionism that is keeping Gin out of reach for projects that demand a stable release with a shield for all their dependencies :)

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi Luke, one of our developers will be working on this issue this week, we'll keep you posted!

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Thanks for the issue and your ideas! We are aware that our current solution is not optimal. The problem we solved with the commit you pointed out is the rendering of empty regions. Without this commit we saw sidebars regions being rendered even when there were no blocks in the sidebars. We need to find a better solution that does not render region markup while also fixing the problem with blocks being undetected when they do not have text nodes.

We will start work on this tomorrow and keep you posted.

Kind regards,
Jurriaan Roelofs
CEO, Chief Product Officer, DXPR

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi difeor,

Is it possible your server is not able to connect outside to

Kind regards,
Jurriaan Roelofs
CEO, Chief Product Officer, DXPR

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Thank you for your input. However, this bug is not reproducible in version 2.6.0, therefore, we do not require any code changes to address this particular issue.

Anyone experiencing the same error should update to the latest release.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi guys, we just finished final testing on a fix and merged it into the 6.x branch. The 6.x branch is backwards compatible with 5.x, it just needs a migration of the color palette because we deprecated the color module.

Please try it here and let us know if the bug is fixed for you:

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi, thank you for offering to maintain the project. I have granted you permission to push to VCS, maintain issues, and create releases. I will see how it goes for the next 2 months and make an evaluation of your success in getting things done :)
Hence the Needs review state on this issue.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi, what commands did you use to install? Can you please try again and see if it installs 10.3.x?

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Our team is currently developing a new wireframe/skeleton view mode which will enable the re-ordering feature you're looking for. Our immediate focus is on completing the integration of CKEditor 5, following which we will be developing a new element controls system, essential for the wireframe view mode. Rest assured, we are making steady progress and will keep you updated on our developments. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi Melju,

Thanks but I didn't ask for a module that can do it, I was looking for sites that implement this design pattern. If we can see the full implementation of this pattern and how the site designed queues for the user to understand the design pattern, we can say something about the user friendliness of the navigation system. This is not possible by simply looking at the business logic in the module.

Here is a recent in-depth study of the UX problem we're facing:

The follow quote resonates with DXPR's strive for making simplicity the tenet of our (and your) user experience:

On Mammut, the entire navigation bar drives the user to the second level of navigation. Their users can move to discover all items within the category or jump into a sub-category. Problems solved. Rather than overloading the navigation bar with separators and separate actions, we can help users move forward confidently and comfortably and prevent mistakes altogether. The next action is always just a tap away.

Always consider adding a link to the category page within the expanded accordion or in a separate view, and assign only a singular function to the entire bar — opening that view.

This describes the system we currently have in place, and we too recommend that you can place a top level page link inside the submenu if you think it's important they can access this link.

For now I'll close this issue as "works as designed" but feedback is still welcome of course.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hello Melju,

I think users will expect the link to open the menu when the 3 dots are there, changing the behavior to just a link would then not be user friendly.
Do you have any examples of mobile menus working as you describe?

Kind regards,
Jurriaan Roelofs
CEO, Chief Product Officer, DXPR

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Would anyone interesting in this feature please share with us their website that needs this? You can share if here or via email:

Our current position is that this feature is not used in modern web design but if we have a couple of examples of use cases for this feature we will consider including it in DXPR Theme.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi, running the command that is provided to you in the error you shared fixes the problem. In the meanwhile we'll look into preventing the need for running this command.


🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Thank you for your ticket. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or just the content security policy doing exactly what it is designed for.

The purpose of using style-src 'self' is to restrict the website from loading stylesheets from any external sources. DXPR Builder needs to load both stylesheets and javascript assets from our cloud infrastructure. This is not something we can fix from our side but something that requires a tailored strategy from the CSP implementation side. Some options you have:

1. Replace style-src 'self' with style-src; where is your domain name.
2. Configure your website to apply the stricter rule style-src 'self' only to user roles that do not use DXPR Builder
3. Keep using style-src 'self' but creating a proxy on your own domain to funnel assets from whitelisted domains

Please consult compliance officers and security specialized software engineers in your organization to find the best solution that meets requirements in your situation.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

@sboden are you using our DXPR Marketing CMS distribution? You may need to remove the -color line from dxpr_marketing_cms.yml:

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

p.s. the alpha release does actually contain an update hook that should migrate your colors to the new system, this requires Drupal 9.4+ to work.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi sboden, thank you for your issue.
The issue would be resolved in our 6.x releases which have factored out the color module. It's due to be released for production in January but I created an alpha release for you which is tested to work OK, but not yet integrated in our visual regression test suite, so please test it to meet your requirements yourself, too:

Note that if you have subtheme you should recreate it from the 6.x version, as your 5.x subtheme would still have "color module architecture".


🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi again, can you provide the full error with backtrace information from the Drupal log? 500 error means something went wrong in the backend, not the frontend :)

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hello Mnebel,

DXPR Builder automatically will interpret all blocks and views displays in the site as drag and drop blocks, via the Blocks/Views tabs in the add-elements window. This integration also supports block configuraiton forms, as well several integrations with views, including frontend overrides of exposed filters, contextual filters, pagination settings, and more.

Is that what you are looking for?

If not please let us known in more details what your requirements are.

Kind regards,
Jurriaan Roelofs
CEO, Chief Product Officer, DXPR

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi dkatena,

We're looking into this but it seems like the search_api module is a lot more complex and not straightforward to use together with our Full Screen Search plugin. For instance, because search_api supports cusom and multiple search forms, it would be difficult to theme those search forms to work in our full screen search design.

Can you tell us more about why you want to use the search_api module together with the Full Screen Search plugin and what technical requirements you have for the implementation?

Also, would an alternative solution for you be possible? For example, site search uses the core search module but it's extended with Facets API module to craete search filters:

Kind regards,
Jurriaan Roelofs
CEO, Chief Product Officer, DXPR

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hello dkatena,

Thank you for your feature request. We are working on the integration and will keep you posted on progress.

Kind regards,
Jurriaan Roelofs
CEO, Chief Product Officer, DXPR

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi, can you please share screenshots that show the problem you are having? It's not entirely clear to me from your description what is going on.


🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hello jgraca,

DXPR Builder supports content translations and ensuring this support is covered in our automated regression testing as well. I also tried to reproduce your problem manually on our demo site and was not able to.

For example:
1. Open a demo at
2. Go to path /web/es
3. Edit and save — Spanish translation of homepage is updated
4. Go to path /web — English translation is not overwritten

Can you still reproduce the problem after clearing all caches? If you can we need more details to be able to reproduce the problem:
1. What version of Drupal core are you installing
2. What installation profile are you installing (standard/minimal etc.)
3. What other modules are you installing
4. What language(s) are enabled/installed
5. What fields on on the drag_and_drop_page content type are made translatable. Are you sure you made the body field translatable? Not doing so would mean the body field shows in the default language at all times.

If you are starting off a new site, as a workound you could consider installing our Drupal StarterKit which let's you set up an optimized multilingual configuration in the installation wizard:

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

@scottosan45 The field_group error is fixed:

The "Warning: Undefined array key "token" in install_profile_modules() (line 1582 of core/includes/" we've not been able to reproduce.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

I'm sorry to report we've been unable to replicate this problem, it would be great if you could provide steps to reproduce the problem, starting from a plain Drupal 10 installation.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Adding a block to the secondary header works fine for me, so unfortunately we cannot reproduce this. Maybe if you can create a video we can see what is wrong, if you create a video please keep the browser console open so that we can see any console errors that pop up.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi, can you please provide clear steps to reproduce the problem?
And add screenshots if possible

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi bgogoi,

In DXPR Builder 2.4.0 we introduced tools to let you manage/delete user licenses with ease:

Kind regards,
Jurriaan Roelofs
CEO, Chief Product Officer, DXPR

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs


I apologize for the inconvenience. We're currently unable to reproduce the issue on our end. To better assist you, could you please provide some specifics about your environment? This would include details such as the web server you're using, your PHP version, and any other relevant information.

Thank you for your cooperation.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi, are you able to get the full error message from the Drupal log? That could be helpful here.

Also please try clearing all caches if you haven't already tried, and try updating to the latest version of DXPR Builder.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hello Mikewiener, do you have a subscription with DXPR? in that case it would be helpful if you create a ticket at and add screenshots.
If not, can you share a screenshot of the User License Dashboard here that obfuscates the email address?

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are actively working on a solution and anticipate that it will be included in the upcoming 2.4.1 release, scheduled to be available by the end of this week.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Thanks looks good! The patches is running regression tests on our CI/CD infrastructure, will merge if it comes back clean.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

We released an update that let's you exclude individual users, including administrators, from DXPR Builder editing. Your feedback would be appreciated:

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi Amal and Alex,

Apologies for being late to reply.

Please test our fix in the 5.1.3 beta release:

If you are using a custom color scheme make sure to save the theme settings form after updating.


🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

I will close this issue as it currently "Works as designed" however we are researching whether we can run formatting filters for editor users as well, but this would be considered a new feature.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hello mombi,

The the moment, when enabling the Text Format Filters option, the token will be processed for non-editor users. This means you can use the token, and when viewing the page as anonymous user they will see the replacement of the token.
As editor however, you are still looking at the token, because if the token were replaced, and you are editing the text, then you would save the actual replacement into the database and lose the token.


🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hello creact,

We expect this might be related to PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings we fixed in DXPR Builder 2.3.1 . Please try the update and let us know if this issue is fixed as well.


🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi creact,

Good news! The deprecated function error you reported has been fixed in the 2.3.1 release.

The issue with the mb_convert_encoding() function in the DxprBuilderService.php file has been addressed. You can now enjoy a smoother experience without encountering this error.


🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Hi Melju,

I'm happy to share that the video element issue you reported has been fixed in today's 2.3.1 release.

Previously, there was a problem with YouTube videos shrinking when the play button was clicked after enabling the image overlay option. Our team has addressed this, and now the videos maintain their dimensions as expected.

Thank you for your patience, and please enjoy the improved experience with the updated release. Feel free to reach out if you encounter any more issues.


🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

If this is still an issue for anyone, please add a video that shows how to reproduce the error, we tried reproducing this by using DXPR + Drupal in Spanish, also by machine-translating english content with hover-styles into Spanish, and we did not reproduce the error.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Alex, for a demonstration of DXPR combined with a state-of-the-art translation workflow please check out new Drupal StarterKit:

It combines the time-saving nature of AI translation with the accuracy of human-translation in an intuitive UI.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

Sorry for missing this ticketkalalshehri, is this still an issue for you? I think it will be resolved by just clearing your Drupal caches.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

@Chris can you please provide steps to reproduce? We havne't been able to reproduce this problem yet.

🇳🇱Netherlands JurriaanRoelofs

This patch does nothing except add a newline in the info file?

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