🇨🇦Canada @scor

Account created on 9 March 2006, over 18 years ago
  • Software engineer at Acquia 

Recent comments

🇨🇦Canada scor Toronto

the primary key cannot be entity_uuid because there may be multiple rows with the same entity_uuid but different langcode. we need to introduce a new auto-increment id column.

🇨🇦Canada scor Toronto

The paragraphs library is a great module which deserves its own mention on the project page at https://www.drupal.org/project/paragraphs - I've had to point people to this module many times but I can never find a good description outside of this issue, let alone the fact that it lives in the main paragraphs module. Could someone copy the response from Harish and paste it into the project description at https://www.drupal.org/project/paragraphs please?

🇨🇦Canada scor Toronto

Thanks @BramDriesen. updating patch with most recent MR for people who may prefer to use files from this issue.

🇨🇦Canada scor Toronto

Thanks for updating the patch. Yes the new patch is missing the 2 new files acquia_perz.libraries.yml and js/perz.js.

🇨🇦Canada scor Toronto

No longer relevant since this was fixed in the UI directly.

🇨🇦Canada scor Toronto

This has been fixed and tests were included in the commit c25f41a .

🇨🇦Canada scor Toronto

Lift is now using a totally different approach which no longer relies on Content Hub: https://www.drupal.org/project/acquia_perz and https://docs.acquia.com/personalization/personalization-module/

I believe this issue can be closed, unless I'm missing something.

Also CH1 is about to be deprecated.

🇨🇦Canada scor Toronto

Instead of using custom code and direct DB access to modify the tracking table, if you can provide steps to reproduce the issue using the acquia_contenthub_unsubscribe module, it will be a more compelling case to get this fixed.

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