miguel andrade → created an issue.
miguel andrade → created an issue.
miguel andrade → created an issue.
Miguel Andrade → created an issue.
@cilefen Steps mentioned are more than enough. Feel free to ignore it if you want.
How to reproduce:
Add an url parameter for any test view with a page URL, like edit[field_animal][widget][0][target_id]=87
go to the page url and pass the parameter, like /testview?edit[field_animal][widget][0][target_id]=87
Try to do something with the parameter, it won't work, behaves as the parameter isn't there.
Miguel Andrade → created an issue.
Just tryed #18 and the MR5 and they didn't work. (nothing happened) I'm using D10.
Yes, that was my idea for proposing a solution. Anyway, I moved on, I'm using another solution. I also couldn't find a way to translate the text appearing in the modal.
Anyway, thanks for your time
Well, let me try to make it very clear:
at least this modules:
- Automatic Entity Label
- Workflow (if you make the workflow transition comment mandatory)
- Node Reference URL Widget
Do not work with your module.
I suspect any contrib module that changes something on the entity form does not work also
That's it.
Also, I'm using a Workflow state for the new entity type. If I have a mandatory comment configured for the workflow initial state, it does not get enforced. Maybe it's the same problem.
I do not see the errors displayed on the form, like if you don't fill the title. The form gets reloaded, but no indication of what went wrong appears. I'm not sure if I have any theme issue here
Miguel Andrade → created an issue.
Miguel Andrade → created an issue.
Miguel Andrade → created an issue.