Thanks Andrei for pointing me in the right direction!!
I'll close this issue.
Here's one of the things I'm trying to accomplish:
From the main galleries page have a gallery/folder that says Music, which links to folders/galleries of Artists, which links to folders/galleries of Albums, which links to a folder/gallery of Songs.
How would I accomplish something like that?
Thanks a lot for your help!!
--Bryan Holty
Thanks for the quick response Andrei!!
This is my first ever Drupal Installation. I know how to add the field for the "category" with entity reference to taxonomy terms.
But I'm clueless on how I can create a custom views and use category field as filter?
Thanks a lot for your help!!
--Bryan Holty
bbholty1 β created an issue.
bbholty1 β created an issue.
bbholty1 β created an issue.
bbholty1 β created an issue.