🇨🇴Colombia @mmartinez-seed

Account created on 22 August 2024, about 1 month ago

Recent comments

🇨🇴Colombia mmartinez-seed

Hey @balu-rrtl → , hope you're having a great day!

This is great! Continuing the tradition of publishing dedicated landing pages for each major Drupal release is a fantastic idea. We will handle the Spanish translation for the D11 landing page, specifically tailored for LATAM.

🇨🇴Colombia mmartinez-seed

Hey @balu rrtl → , hope you're having a great morning!

This is great! Continuing the tradition of publishing dedicated landing pages for each major Drupal release is a fantastic idea. We will handle the Spanish translation for the D11 landing page, specifically tailored for LATAM.

Production build 0.71.5 2024