🇨🇭Switzerland @jschneidertcs

Account created on 8 December 2023, about 1 year ago

Merge Requests

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🇨🇭Switzerland jschneidertcs Geneva

What are the next steps ? Do I need to make something else ?

🇨🇭Switzerland jschneidertcs Geneva


Thanks for your help. I've updated the file for the sorting part and now it should be ok.

🇨🇭Switzerland jschneidertcs Geneva


I've updated the bug you added in your comment.

The pull request has passed all the pipeline steps and is now ready to be validated.

P.S. : I would remind you that the page sorting part is still missing. I haven't managed to define where to take this parameter into account. If you tell me where to make the changes, I'll be happy to do it.

🇨🇭Switzerland jschneidertcs Geneva

In order to be able to separate the operation from the activation of AJAX on my view, I propose the following patch.

patch #1 →

🇨🇭Switzerland jschneidertcs Geneva

In order to be able to separate the operation from the activation of AJAX on my view, I propose the following patch

patch #1 →

🇨🇭Switzerland jschneidertcs Geneva

In order to be able to separate the operation from the activation of AJAX on my view, I propose the following patch
patch #1 →

🇨🇭Switzerland jschneidertcs Geneva

In order to be able to separate the operation from the activation of AJAX on my view, I propose the following patch

patch #1 →

Production build 0.71.5 2024