Account created on 29 November 2023, 7 months ago

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Hi levmyshkin,

If you have ideas how to make EBT/EPT modules for customizable, I will be glad to rewrite modules in new way. I was trying to make installation and using EBT modules as easy as possible.

Sorry, this is beyond my knowledge.

#7 is a good workaround, though not so easy for non-tech users. I think it's "the solution" by now

Hi levmyshkin,

drush config-import --partial --source=modules/contrib/ebt_core/config/install was a great tip and solved the problem of #4.

So I was able to install most of the EBT modules, but not the Media related ones

For EBT_Video: 1st I got this error:

"The EBT Image Gallery needs to be created "Remote Video" Media types. (Currently using Media type Remote video version Not created)"

Even though I already have a media type "Video" I created a new type called "Remote Video", with remote video as media source

After this step the error changes to the usual one:

"Unable to install Extra Block Types (EBT): Video due to unmet dependencies: ("

For EBT_Image_Gallery and EBT_Image_Video_Gallery:

"Unable to install Extra Block Types (EBT): Image Gallery due to unmet dependencies: ("

Then I made a test (dev website, so no risk): I created a field in my "Image" media type with that exact internal name (field_media_image) and another one in the "Video" media type called "field_media_video_file"

At this point the modules installed correctly, but media types and internal field names are freely configurable and in many configurations they are customized (for example I have field_image for Image and field_media_video_embed_field for Video), so I'm surprised to be the 1st one with this kind of problem.

Hi levmyshkin, I also thought it was a Media related problem, but now I discovered that the error occurs with any EBT module (not for the main one).

For example, this is the error if I try to install EBT_tabs or EBT_button
In UnmetDependenciesException.php line 100:

Configuration objects provided by ebt_tabs hav
e unmet dependencies: field.field.block_content.ebt
_tabs.field_ebt_settings ( em>
I attached the modules list, the media module is enabled and the image media type exists (internal name = "image")

No special steps to reproduce.
composer require 'drupal/ebt_image_gallery:^1.4' (OK)
drush en ebt_image_gallery (ERROR)

Very difficult to debug for me...

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