Error on enabling module

Created on 29 November 2023, 7 months ago
Updated 14 May 2024, about 2 months ago


In UnmetDependenciesException.php line 100:

Configuration objects provided by ebt_image_gallery
have unmet dependencies: core.entity_view_dis (
ge), field.field.block_content.ebt_image_gallery.field_ebt_settings (field.

Similar to: πŸ› Error on installation Fixed but not a problem with Layout Builder here

Steps to reproduce

Drupal 9.5.11
drush en ebt_image_gallery -y

πŸ’¬ Support request






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  • Issue created by @MERIDO
  • πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

    Hi MERIDO, I tried to install EBT Image Gallery on fresh Drupal 9.5 minimal and stardard installation profiles, but I couldn't reproduce the error. It looks like I didn't install additional module or your installation has different set of modules.
    Check that Media module is enabled, and Image media type does exist. It's required for image gallery.
    Also, could you please share list of your modules or steps to reproduce the error:

    drush pm-list --type=Module --status=enabled > list-of-modules.txt

  • Status changed to Needs review 7 months ago
  • πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia
  • Issue was unassigned.
  • Hi levmyshkin, I also thought it was a Media related problem, but now I discovered that the error occurs with any EBT module (not for the main one).

    For example, this is the error if I try to install EBT_tabs or EBT_button
    In UnmetDependenciesException.php line 100:

    Configuration objects provided by ebt_tabs hav
    e unmet dependencies: field.field.block_content.ebt
    _tabs.field_ebt_settings ( em>
    I attached the modules list, the media module is enabled and the image media type exists (internal name = "image")

    No special steps to reproduce.
    composer require 'drupal/ebt_image_gallery:^1.4' (OK)
    drush en ebt_image_gallery (ERROR)

    Very difficult to debug for me...

  • πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

    It looks like you had error during installation of EBT Core module. Could you try to import configs from EBT Core module again:

    drush config-import --partially --source=modules/contrib/ebt_core/config/install

    Also I updated EBT Image Gallery to 1.4.4 version and removed all mentions of Layout Builder from it:

    composer update drupal/ebt_image_gallery

    I will try to dig more if it will not help.

  • Hi levmyshkin,

    drush config-import --partial --source=modules/contrib/ebt_core/config/install was a great tip and solved the problem of #4.

    So I was able to install most of the EBT modules, but not the Media related ones

    For EBT_Video: 1st I got this error:

    "The EBT Image Gallery needs to be created "Remote Video" Media types. (Currently using Media type Remote video version Not created)"

    Even though I already have a media type "Video" I created a new type called "Remote Video", with remote video as media source

    After this step the error changes to the usual one:

    "Unable to install Extra Block Types (EBT): Video due to unmet dependencies: ("

    For EBT_Image_Gallery and EBT_Image_Video_Gallery:

    "Unable to install Extra Block Types (EBT): Image Gallery due to unmet dependencies: ("

    Then I made a test (dev website, so no risk): I created a field in my "Image" media type with that exact internal name (field_media_image) and another one in the "Video" media type called "field_media_video_file"

    At this point the modules installed correctly, but media types and internal field names are freely configurable and in many configurations they are customized (for example I have field_image for Image and field_media_video_embed_field for Video), so I'm surprised to be the 1st one with this kind of problem.

  • πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

    Hi Merido, I had similar request about own Media types and field names before: ✨ Can't select images of a different media type Active

    I didn't think about using another media types and field names during EBT modules development. Because, I need to export exact name media type and field name in yml files. I couldn't find easy way to get custom media type machine ID and import it with configs. It's possible to do with custom code and saving configs programmatically in hook_install:

    I also thought about not using Media module and use Image module instead. But Media module is right way to manage with images and videos for small and middle sized sites. And many developers and editors use Media module everyday.

    That's a limitation for configs approach I used.

    In your case, you can copy EBT_Image_Gallery and EBT_Image_Video_Gallery modules from contrib modules folder to custom modules folder and replace field names and media types names to match your site:

    Then you will need to remove these EBT modules with composer manually and install dependencies from composer.json files for these modules manully, for example for EBT Video:
    composer require drupal/glightbox
    composer require drupal/glightbox_media_video

    If you have ideas how to make EBT/EPT modules for customizable, I will be glad to rewrite modules in new way. I was trying to make installation and using EBT modules as easy as possible.

  • Hi levmyshkin,

    If you have ideas how to make EBT/EPT modules for customizable, I will be glad to rewrite modules in new way. I was trying to make installation and using EBT modules as easy as possible.

    Sorry, this is beyond my knowledge.

    #7 is a good workaround, though not so easy for non-tech users. I think it's "the solution" by now

  • πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia
  • Status changed to Fixed about 2 months ago
  • πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia
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