Yerevan, Armenia
Account created on 21 December 2010, over 13 years ago

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🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Cool, thank you! I'm planning also to create videos about EBT/EPT modules, but I'm busy on polishing EBT/EPT Hero. And now I'm thinking about Drupal distribution based on Mercury and EPT modules.

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

I enabled Mercury for my Page content type and it's working as expected, at least for small number of content:

I think the problem is EPT Column allows to add EPT Column in Columns field. Try to update settings for Columns field on your site, I can't add names of paragraph types in config/install configs, because different sites will use different paragraph types. It would be cool to have multistep installation for Drupal modules, so you could select needed paragraph types for Columns field during installation. But I didn't face this functionality in Drupal ecosystem yet.

Feel free to reopen this ticket if you will struglling with EPT Columns + Mercury settings.

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Hey mankin, I installed locally EPT Columns and Mercury editor and after some testing it was working.
First of all check that you have Layout Paragraph field widget for all paragraph fields and set depth at least 4 for main component field (For content type Paragraph field and for EPT Columns paragraph field):

Also these EPT modules have paragraph fields:

Try to disable EPT Column reference for Columns fields to avoid EPT Column in EPT Column:

After these settings it was working for me, but I couldn't make text fields working with Mercury in EPT Columns. Maybe I need to move text fields outside Content tab:

I will investigate it later, after finish with EPT Hero module. Mercury Editor looks promising for me. For now at least Layout Paragraphs is working with EPT modules:

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Hi mankin, I had installed Mercury editor before, but I didn't try to use EPT modules with it yet. I will have a look Mercury + EPT modules today.

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Different model versions give different results, I can't explain why. For now it's preferrable to use gpt-4-0125-preview, but maybe new models will be better soon.

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Wow... I just found out, that I already implemented Youtube background videos without any options. It's working for me actually:

Do you have any errors on page with YouTube video? Thank you for your report, I will continue on this ticket and add Background Video options and local video implementation.

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Hi driean96, EBT/EPT modules don't support background videos for now. I thought about adding it for EBT Hero module:

Usually landing pages use background video in hero block.

But it's possible use Background media field for videos too. As you mentioned there are different sources for videos: local file, youtube, vimeo, etc. Each source will need own javascript plugin, becuase only CSS is not enough for background video and we need to resize video properly on window resize.
Here is an example of simple background video for local file. I think I will start from this.

For Youtube, Vimeo or any other platform it will need for separate javascript plugin, because each platform has own options to play embeded videos:

Bulletproof solution for playing videos is video.js:
But it's massive piece of code:

We need to have javascript plugin for background video, because there are different options always needed for different sites: play video once, disable video on mobile and show plain image, stop playing video after block not in focus, etc. Without options Background video funcitonality will be hard to use for commercial projects, different clients will expect different behavior for background video. (see Video providers)

I also need to think about using specific sources like Brighcove and maybe use plugins or at least altering background video types.

It's a good idea to add Background video support, so I need to plan how to implement it better from first time.

Here is another Drupal module which tried to add background video support:
They also was struggling with different options and side effects, like parallax images overlap.

I will have a look different implementations for background videos functionality and create something for EBT/EPT core modules at least for Local File and Youtube.

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Oops.. It didn't work as expected. I tried to apply this approach from Colorbox/Colorbox Media modules: Allow media entity reference fields to be displayed as a gallery in a colorbox Needs review

But it will not work with Glightbox, at least without building list of elements in javascript:

So I added new options for GLightbox field formatter:

  • Per parent entity gallery (e.g. Media field or Paragraph with video fields)
  • Per paragraph gallery (e.g. Paragraphs with Media fields

Per parent entity gallery will work for Node -> Media Fields or Paragraph -> Media Fields (mutliple medias in one field). For example it will be working for EPT Image gallery module:

Per paragraph gallery (e.g. Paragraphs with Media fields will work for Node -> Paragraphs (multiple field) -> Media field (single image or video). There is nested entities and we need to get parents one by one. It matches for EPT Video and Image gallery module and allows to display image and videos as one gallery:

I pushed changes in 1.0.x branches for Glightbox and Glightbox Media Video

I will test this functionality and add a new release later.

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Hi handkerchief, GLightbox module has the same settings as Colorbox module:

It looks like you need this functionality, but in GLightbox: Allow media entity reference fields to be displayed as a gallery in a colorbox Needs review

I tested GLightbox two separate galleries and they can work separately. I used EPT Image Gallery module:

EPT Image Gallery uses paragraphs with Media fields inside:

Media Images use view mode EPT Image Gallery and in this view mode I used setting "GLightbox gallery type: Per post gallery" for GLightbox image field widget.

Then I created two paragraphs with Media images:

These galleries are working separately from each other:

For me it's working fine without the patch. Ping me if you need more information or help.

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Here is a similar ticket in progress: 🐛 Log out show error message "... your browser must accept cookies ..." Needs work

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

It's easier to save data in cache and return usual JsonResponse.

$data = \Drupal::cache()->get('_altium_doc_forum_recommendations_pages_structure');
if (!empty($data) && !empty($data->data)) {
  return $data->data;

// Your logic here.

\Drupal::cache()->set('_altium_doc_forum_recommendations_pages_structure', $data);
return $data;
🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Hi tklepsch, thank you for you report! I think you have translations for GLightbox configs, and I missed default values fallback for settings fields. I added fallback values according to the default configs.

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Hi msn5158, no, it doesn't. You can have a look Quicktabs:

It's possible to ajaxify jquery UI Tabs, but it must have real page on the site for it:

Quick Tabs has SEO issue because of it:

It's possible to make ajax tabs easy only for Views pages or node pages, but for blocks and non-pages content we will need to create route or response for $.ajax dynamically. It's possible to do, but it's require some work around.

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

I also had the problem with blocks translation, but this helped me #2137815: 🐛 InvalidArgumentException: Invalid translation language specified. Needs work

🇦🇲Armenia levmyshkin Yerevan, Armenia

Hi dunx, yes, I planned a lot and moving slowly but surely. Some other programmers worked also on EBT/EPT modules, but now I'm working alone on them.

We have ability to override settings form (Field Widget class):
class EptSettingsMicromodalWidget extends EptSettingsDefaultWidget {

And add/remove/edit any fields as you need:

It's usual Drupal form and it will be saved in serialized field, so you can use any number settings or field.

I'm planning to write article about this:

But I worked on module generator first:

So, basically it's easy to start with EBT/EPT modules. You can use existing modules, or generate new boilerplate EBT/EPT module and add any fields, js/css to your Block or Paragraph type.

We can arange meeting in Zoom or Google Hangout and I will quickly show you my process of creating/editing EBT/EPT modules.

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