Account created on 28 November 2023, 8 months ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @xurdep

I have created MR!1 and patch for above issue, Please review it once.

Thank you

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

here is the patch for above issue

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Thanks for the patch, we will fix issue in New Release.

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @chaitanyadessai

I have Created MR!2 for the above issue, Could you please review it once?

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @psf_

I have created MR!3 for the above issue, Please review it once.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @Mingsong

Here is the patch for the above issue, please review it once.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @imclean

I have created MR!1 for the above issue, please review it once.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @psf_ @luismagr

I have created MR!2 for the above issue, Please review it once.

Thank you

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @mandclu

I have added MR!1 for the above issue, Please review it once.

Thank you!!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @jrglasgow

I have created MR!3 for the above issue, please review it once.

Thank you!!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Please add a preview of the theme.

Thank you

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @sleepingmonk

Please review the above solution once.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @sleepingmonk

For the above issue, you need to add a


directory inside the



And also need to update "koan_library_info_build()" function in .theme file

function koan_library_info_build() {
  $extensions = ['css', 'js'];
  $directory = 'themes/contrib/koan/lib/stories';
  $libraries = [];
  try {
    // Escaping and imploding the extensions array for regex use
    $extensions = array_map('preg_quote', $extensions);
    $extensions = implode('|', $extensions);
    // Scanning the directory for files with the specified extensions
    $file_scan = \Drupal::service('file_system')->scanDirectory($directory, "/{$extensions}$/");
    // Processing each file found in the directory
    foreach ($file_scan as $file) {
      $parts = explode('.', $file->filename);
      $extension = end($parts);

      switch ($extension) {
        case 'css':
          $libraries[$file->name][$extension] = [
            'component' => [
              '/' . $file->uri => [],
        case 'js':
          $libraries[$file->name][$extension] = [
            '/' . $file->uri => [],
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    // Logging the exception message to the watchdog for debugging
    \Drupal::logger('koan')->error('Error building library info: @message', ['@message' => $e->getMessage()]);
  return $libraries;
🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @drupalnesia

I have created MR!19, Please review it once.

Thank you

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks
.nav-item .nav-link {
  color: rgb(59, 58, 58);

here is the code for above issue

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @smulvih2

I have created MR!1 for the above issue please review it once.

Thank you

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @SeaserWeb

Here is the patch for the above issue Please review it once.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

here is the code for issue

#contact-form #edit-submit {
  margin-right: 10px;
🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @aaron.ferris

We are also using 2.x (2.0.2) branch.

I am attaching the screenshot of info file

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Here is the patch for the above issue, Please review it once.

thank you!!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Here is the patch for above issue

please review it once.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

here is the patch for above issue please review it once

Thank you

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @ewehbe @Georges ADWAN @lara_z @chdugue

I have created MR!2 for the above issue, please review it once.

Thank you

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @i-grou

I checked your solution

if (!$table) {
return [];

it's working fine, you can merge this.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @mwebaze

If you test this issue and MR, so please you can close this issue.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @Ameer Khan @drupalfan2 @mattbloomfield

I have created MR!7 for the above issue,

Please review it once.

Thank you

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @himmatbhatia @VijaySharma_89 @gsharm

I have Created MR!4 for the above issue,

Please review it once.

thank you

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @mwebaze @msypes

I have created MR!3 for the above issue, please review it once.

Thank you

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @Anas_maw @Pasqualle

I have created MR!1 for the above issue please review it once.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @scott_euser

I have created MR!5 for the above issue please review it once.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @Marcus_Johansson

Please review the MR!1 for the configuration menu.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @radheymkumar @Asheesh_kumar_Pal @heni_deepak

I have created MR!7 for the above issues please review it once.

thank you!!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @GyD @rutiolma

I have added configuration menu for this module,

Please review the MR!1 once.

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

here is the patch for config menu

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

aman_lnwebworks made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @scottsawyer

I have created MR!1 for the above issue, Please review it once.

Thank you!!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @akram zairig

If you review it then you can close this issue

Thank you !!

🇮🇳India aman_lnwebworks

Hi @scottsawyer

I have created MR!1 for the above issue, Please review it once.

Thank you!!

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