Account created on 5 November 2023, over 1 year ago

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There should be a possible solution regarding this. If only user entity can be exported not other fields it doesn;t make sense to export, As a user might have user specific fields like comments ,discussions etc. Also the data is displayed as an ID for taxonomies, where it should be displayed as text.

I am hoping any other users/contributors who is using this module can comment regarding this.

Facing similar issues in Drupal 10. Is there any specific configurations needs to be done to solve this

Any update on this issue ?

In my D10.2 application , For the patch #2 it is still raising this error

TypeError: Drupal\gdpr_fields\Entity\GdprField::propertyCanBeRemoved(): Argument #1 ($field_definition) must be of type Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface, null

Using the #5 seems to bypass the error and let user create fields but it still throws this warning when I am trying.

Warning: Undefined array key "field_x" in Drupal\gdpr_fields\Form\GdprFieldSettingsForm::buildFormFields()

This is quite a major issue hope it can be resolved quickly.

@Akhil Babu , So I am not certain about the process of reproducing the error. The current issue is occuring when I have any taxonomy values (/conteexual filters in view) set in a certain view which contains a null value.

Thanks for the effort everyone , this looks nice

@amateescu thanks for the headsup ! waiting for the uppdated beta release with this feature !

This MR needs to be added to handle the trasnlations deletion. As it stands the trasnlated pagges are being permanently deleted even if it states that it will be available in the trash. This occurs sppacialy with a content that has 2 or more trasnlation.

If a content has 2 trasnlation, deleting it takes it to the trash but when I restore it it can't be seen in the all content page anymore ? For content with one language can be restored and found in the all content lists ?

I am working with a personal project where this feature is very important. Hence I was trying to create a custom module on topp of trash module that handles the 30 day auto deletion. It would be very helpful. Is there already a working solution that I can use ?

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