mike-kelly → created an issue.
The issue occurs when making a range widget: in bef_sliders.js this is the case where $inputs.length = 2. In that case the float values are not truncated.
This wasn't working for me... the issue was that the truncation was not applied when using the current page title token in the breadcrumb.
See attached patch for fix.
I got there in the end myself...
For future reference, I had to create a relationship (SQL join) of 'Content used by' the event field in Events Series. From there I added a contextual filter based on that relationship. I chose to make that a filter on ID of Content. So the query was being filtered on the ID of the Event Series containing Events. Contextual filter entries are basically where clauses in a SQL query.
I then exposed that filter as a drop-down box of Event Series names, using a function in the 'views_exposed_form_alter' hook, as the default option was a text entry box, which I didn't want:
// create a list of event series $nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node') ->accessCheck(FALSE) ->condition('type','event_series')->execute(); $nodes = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple($nids); $options = ['all' => t('None')]; foreach ($nodes as $node) { $options[$node->id()] = $node->label(); } $form['series'] = [ '#title' => new TranslatableMarkup('Event series'), '#type' => 'select', '#options' => $options, '#size' => NULL, '#default_value' => 'all', ];
A final note: there is a very useful options in Views - Settings to show the sql query in the views preview.
I updated DDEV to the most recent version and that seemed to fix it, but the issue occurred again. I just needed to add an additional datasource, so I edited the settings.local.php file via ssh and moved on. In short, no solution I'm afraid.
I see that this issue is being addressed via changes to Drupal core.
However in the meantime, I was hoping for a workaround for use with Drupal 10. I created the test module shown at the top of this issue and the computed field became available in my Views. However, at the point of trying to add it to a View, I got the following error:
Error: Call to a member function getType() on null in Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\EntityField->defineOptions() (line 375 of /var/www/html/web/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/field/EntityField.php).
Is this expected, or have I missed something? Do I have to wait until the changes above have been merged to Drupal core before I can use computed fields in Views?
Thanks @gisle !
mike-kelly → created an issue.