Account created on 10 October 2023, over 1 year ago

Recent comments

How can I do this kind of search on Drupal? Is it still 0?

@axelm, That makes sense thank you for clarifying.

1) From my point of view, not being able to move from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 is a technical issue that is currently ongoing. I apologize if it comes across as pretending there is a technical issue.

2) I agree with your sentiment of "let's get to work". See my message at #41;

@axelm, I do not know what you mean by "work on the fork in a professional way". Is there something I have said here that is unprofessional? If so, what would be the more correct way to say it?

For instance I see you communicating to someone in this manner:
I never received any of these emails.
And sorry for you, but I never enable out of office on my emails. So it fully demonstrates that you’re a liar.
Work on your fork now, I’m very impatient to seen what a guy like you can do, I have the feeling that I will be laughing a lot.
From now on I won’t any more answer to your messages, no time to waste.
" -axelm

I would suggest that a more professional and appropriate communication would be:

I never received any of these emails. I never enable out of office on my emails. If you are a customer and you are trying to contact us please contact us ______ or provide your email to me by messaging me here ______. As I said previously, except in case of some technical issue that would have prevented us from receiving the message, it’s not possible that you would not have received any answer.

I suggest you edit #69 to something more professional.

@axelm, its good that you are not communicating here anymore here because your communication has turned completely inappropriate and unprofessional.

axelm, thank you for your update and reply to the community. I understand your frustration better now as you explained how your company's vision is!

Your company financially supports every single open source technology that you use.

That is quite an undertaking, very mindful of the tech you use, and I absolutely love Opigno more for that!

It seems clear that you realize that this is different from the vast majority of users that use open source technologies.

Why not explicitly share this with the Open Source community?

I think this is a big miscommunication, and an opportunity for growth on both sides: Something like this:

Conscientious use of Open Source

We at Opigno financially support every single open source technology that is business critical to us. If your use case for Opigno LMS is business critical, please contact us here: _______ so that your business will get the critical updates on time and that you too can support the free distribution of Opigno LMS to non-critical businesses. If your intended application of Opigno is critical to your business, you critically need to contact us about getting a support plan.

Obviously this should be changed as needed, but this would be more clear.

Also there have been several people mentioning they have filled out the online form for support weeks ago with no response. Is this where they should comment to get contacted or should they just wait longer?

For reference here are the users who have discussed helping maintain/support a fork thus far: #21 #22 #23 #29 #36 #37 #39

Also it is worth mentioning that many (if not all) would welcome a change to have a developmental release available as well.

I believe many have said what is on everyone's mind. This is a HUGE project. And if we are going to fork it, it is obviously with the intention of providing more than what Opigno is currently providing. If we as a community cannot provide more than Opigno is providing, then we should not fork it.

- What is needed exactly to maintain this project?
- What is needed exactly to provide more than the current project is providing?
- Do we communicate somewhere else publicly other than on this issue to progress this conversation of a fork?
- How do we proceed with this conversation?

I appreciate Opigno's communication here. Opigno is/was several months behind this major update with little to no insight to where Opigno is/was in their work to update this project. As mentioned several times in these comments, we have no idea if the maintainers of Opigno are making headway on this distribution or if they are working on other projects or clients. As our business (and clearly others) currently rely on Opigno, we cannot ignore this behavior. We are forced to make a risk/cost analysis of whether we can rely on Opigno's pattern of behavior or not. I assume that is why many others have advocated for a fork, development release, and alternative technologies on these issues. If there is no fork and there is no change from Opigno, these are the options we have identified for our business:

1. Trust in Opigno (*expecting this behavior/situation to continue and happen again in the future)
2. Pay Opigno to maintain our website(s) (*contractually agreeing to keep the site updated)
3. Pay other developers for updates of Opigno (*internally or external developers that are not Opigno)
4. Fund/Maintain a fork of Opigno
5. Find an alternative product and rebuild

I implore you to understand that if a fork doesn't happen or if Opigno doesn't change anything; We reason that the only users that would go with option 1 are the businesses that find the Opigno updates to be non-essential to their business. We reason that it would be difficult to pick options 2-4 as we see this as Opigno actively losing legitimate interest in their product.

For reference here are the users who have discussed helping maintain/support a fork thus far:
DerekAhmedzai #21
jcandan #22
abedih #23
danlinn #29
worktapper #36
ElusiveMind #37
b1ueh4wk #39

Also it is worth mentioning that many (if not all) would welcome a change to have a developmental release available as well.

I believe msouidi, ElusiveMind, jcandan, worktapper, keiserjb all said what is on everyone's mind. This is a HUGE project. And if we are going to fork it, it is obviously with the intention of providing more than what Opigno is currently providing. If we as a community cannot provide more than Opigno is providing, then we should not fork it.

- What is needed exactly to maintain this project?
- What is needed exactly to provide more than the current project is providing?
- Do we communicate somewhere else publicly other than on this issue to progress this conversation of a fork?
- How do we proceed with this conversation?

@msouidi, I appreciate your communication here. Opigno is/was several months behind this major update with little to no insight to where Opigno is/was in their work to update this project. As mentioned several times in these comments, we have no idea if the maintainers of Opigno are making headway on this distribution or if they are working on other projects or clients. As our business (and clearly others) currently rely on Opigno, we cannot ignore this behavior. We are forced to make a risk/cost analysis of whether we can rely on Opigno's pattern of behavior or not. I assume that is why many others have advocated for a fork, development release, and alternative technologies on these issues. If there is no fork and there is no change from Opigno, these are the options we have identified for our business:

1. Trust in Opigno (*expecting this behavior/situation to continue and happen again in the future)
2. Pay Opigno to maintain our website(s) (*contractually agreeing to keep the site updated)
3. Pay other developers for updates of Opigno (*internally or external developers that are not Opigno)
4. Fund/Maintain a fork of Opigno
5. Find an alternative product and rebuild

I implore you to understand that if a fork doesn't happen or if Opigno doesn't change anything; We reason that the only users that would go with option 1 are the businesses that find the Opigno updates to be non-essential to their business. We reason that it would be difficult to pick options 2-4 as we see this as Opigno actively losing legitimate interest in their product.

I am fairly new to Drupal and PHP but with my limited knowledge and time I would love to help contribute what I can to learn/maintain the Opigno distribution. I am new to how this process is started but I think it is logical that we need a way to legitimately see who or what kind of time/money is available to maintain this project. @ElusiveMind feel free to reach out to me or ping me in this chat and I'll be there after my work hours!

I am very new to Drupal, but I agree with keiserjb, and Finn, how can the community support Opigno?

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