Account created on 27 July 2023, over 1 year ago
  • Drupal Developer at Liip 

Merge Requests

Recent comments

After having clicked on the hover bar, there are several unintuive behaviours

- After clicking, unhovering, then rehovering the mouse, the menu can open/close multiple times instead of exactly once
- The clicked menu stays underlined after having clicked on it, even though the submenu doesn't show anymore. This is redundant state, as the submenu is not open anymore, and can confuse the users.

All reports are from Safari on macOs Sonoma

What I immediately noticed was the lack of contrast between the striped background and the foreground. It overwhelms the eyes, and I wasn't sure where to look at first.

Possible solutions:
- Remove Background/Make it more simple
- Something like a shadow or border between the foreground and striped background

Thank you, I like the changes!

Some small remarks for the MR !4.

In src/ParagraphsStats.php:556, there's the following switch statement:

switch ($rec->parent_type) {
          case 'node': ...
          case 'paragraph': ...
          case 'block_content': ... 

As far as I can tell, there's no error handling here if the $rec->paren_type is none of the above cases, right? Maybe logging/throwing an error here would be an appropriate error handling.

Another small remark is about the renaming of the row cells from @id/edit to Paragraph @id. I believe the Paragraph @id naming doesn't have enough information value, as it's very similar to the first entry of the row and doesn't convey the information that this is an edit link. Therefore I suggest keeping the @id/edit naming or changing it to something like Edit Paragraph @id

Very thorough changes, look great to me :)

Beautiful, modern php usage! Especially love the "fromException" method and the deprecation warning.

Approved in review :)

For the sake of completeness: Reviewed and looks good to me :)

Drupal 10 Compatibility looks good to me :)

Production build 0.71.5 2024