Here is a workaround using Javascript.
You only need to include this file on webpages where you want to prevent this bug to happen.
The idea is simple : if the page was loaded from browser cache, i want to force the refresh so drupal may rebuild the form.
* @file
* This script forces the page to fully load, without caching.
* This is helpfull to prevent forms being broken when accessed through the back button.
(function (Drupal) {
Drupal.behaviors.preventCache = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
// Ensure this runs only once per page load
if (!context.querySelector || context.querySelector('[data-drupal-cache-prevented]')) {
// Reload the page if loaded from cache (back/forward navigation)
window.onpageshow = function (event) {
if (event.persisted) {
// Mark the page to avoid duplicate execution
document.body.setAttribute('data-drupal-cache-prevented', 'true');
QAvrain → created an issue.
After some debug, i finally found hooks that can help modifying these two fields :
- HOOK_preprocess_input__password
- HOOK_preprocess_form_element
In my case i wanted to display the label as a placeholder instead. In my .theme file, i added these lines :
function invivogen_preprocess_form_element(&$variables)
if (
isset($variables['element']['#type']) && (
$variables['element']['#type'] == 'password_confirm'
|| $variables['element']['#type'] == 'password'
) {
$variables['label_display'] = 'none';
function invivogen_preprocess_input__password(&$variables)
$variables['attributes']['placeholder'] = $variables['element']['#title'];