Account created on 3 June 2023, about 1 year ago

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I can confirm that drupal is very good at handling a lot of traffic. Drupal is a CMS that is heavily optimized in terms of performance and handling a lot of traffic is not a problem.
Also, Do not show your website in question, It may be considered spam.

I'm a blind person so I can't look at the photos carefully. But according to the image description software, you are encountering drupal notifications like drupal will be supported until, etc.
You can try disabling drupal's Announcement module or as far as I know drupal's Status messages can be closed.
Or handle all drupal errors if any.

You can only send your screenshot using external links. Drupal org does not currently support that. Or if you describe your problem in text form then I can probably help.

Worked as expected. Thank you very much and hopefully there will be a stable version soon so my main site can also be updated :)
Best regards.

The VM administrator commented on your previous post. The special thing I noticed is that you always post unclear questions and never respond to our comments.I'm sorry but you are under suspicion here. And your name doesn't need to be in the question.

Hello. Updated the dev version and the screen reader worked. Tested with NVDA for Windows, Talkback for Android and iOS.

Tested with mobile screen reader.
Even when I click with a mobile screen reader, the Site address has changed, For example: but the screen reader cursor does not take me to the main content.

I'm not sure if I can help you or not, But here is how I understand the question and answer.

In Drupal, the "public local files served by the webserver" refers to the default file system path where your site's public files are stored and accessed. Public files are directly accessible via a web URL and do not require special permission to view.

Here's a breakdown of your questions:

What does it mean?

   This means that the files and images uploaded through Drupal are stored in a location on the server filesystem that is accessible through the web. These files can be requested by anyone with the direct URL. Examples include images on content pages, downloadable documents, etc.

Where can You find the current "public" path?

   To find the current public path, you can go to the “File system” configuration page (/admin/config/media/file-system in your Drupal dashboard). Here you will see the public file system path specified, which by default is sites/default/files. I don't really understand this question, Because here there is already a path available, But I don't understand why you still ask this question here so maybe I misunderstood.

How can You check availability of this path by this protocol?

   To check the availability of the public file system, you can try to access a known file within the public directory via a web browser. For example, if your Drupal site is located at and you know there is an image at sites/default/files/images/picture.jpg, you can check the availability by navigating to

What part responsible for this protocol — Drupal or web server?

   The public file system protocol and access are handled jointly by Drupal and the web server. Drupal maintains the structure within its own system for paths like "public://", while the web server actually serves the files at those paths over HTTP.

Well, For the specific error you're encountering with the "feeds" module and cURL:

- The "public://" scheme is a Drupal internal stream wrapper, not a real network protocol, which is why cURL cannot recognize it. cURL is expecting something like "http://" or "https://", which are valid URL protocols.

- You may be attempting to access the file from within Drupal in a way that assumes "public://" is a protocol that external tools like cURL can use, which is not the case.

To resolve this, you need to convert the "public://" path to an absolute URL or a server file system path before using it with cURL. Drupal has functions that can do this — for example, you would use file_create_url() to convert a "public://" URI to an absolute URL that cURL can handle.

$uri = 'public://import/images/xxxx.png';
$url = file_create_url($uri);
// Now you can use $url with cURL or other external tools.
In summary, make sure that when you're providing paths to external tools, you convert internal Drupal URIs to actual URLs or server paths they can understand.

I agree with ressa, and by the way. I wish you could be more specific with your question.
This is a forum and not a messaging platform. How can the community help you if you don't elaborate on your question and just focus on your name?
Could be my language problem. But I don't quite understand the question of changing the directory of your website.
Changing directory I understand makes a lot of sense. Change the main directory of the website, Change the directory of the files folder in the website and so on.
So. What's your question?

I can't help much because I'm not very sure about your problem, But this is what I compiled from online sources and personal thoughts, I'm just trying to help you overcome it by the best possible way.
Apache/Nginx Configuration: Ensure that your web server configuration is set up to route requests for your subdomain to the Drupal installation. If doesn't point to the same document root as, Drupal might not even be getting the request.
Syntax Check: Double-check your settings.php syntax to ensure there are no PHP errors introduced by the changes.5. Browser Cache: Although you mentioned clearing your browser cache, it can sometimes be persistent. A hard refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R on most browsers) or opening the page in an incognito window can help ensure you're not seeing a cached page.
Wildcard DNS: Verify that your DNS settings at correctly point * to your server's IP address with the CNAME record.
If all the above points are checked and the issue persists, I recommend double-checking the regex pattern. While the pattern you provided should be correct for matching any subdomain, you might want to explicitly add both the main domain and the specific subdomain to make sure they are recognized as such:
$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = [
    '^$',        // Matches the main domain
    '^$', // Matches the specific subdomain explicitly
    '^$',    // Matches all other subdomains
If it continues to not work, reach out to the Akamai or support teams to make sure there's no additional layer of domain control at the CDN or registrar level that's causing issues.
That's all I can help with, hope this helps.

$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = [

Well, The way I understand it you need a little more advanced visitor tracker, But don't want to integrate a 3rd party service. You can try the Visitors module , It can probably help you.

Well, Thanks to your help, I found it, At the same time, I need to spend time to read drupal docs, I need to learn more, More and more.
I also hope this issue will be considered. I want to do something.
Thank you sir ressa

I understood the problem, I have submitted an issue.

Well, I joined the Vietnamese group and tried submitting translations to a few projects to start, But as far as I can see, Currently the moderators of the Vietnamese group are no longer active.
I tried contacting a few of them, But it seems they are no longer here, If I want to apply to become an admin or at least have the right to approve my translations, What should I do?
I don't see a button or way to register as a moderator of an existing group, or do I have to create a new group?
Sorry I'm new here, I don't understand very well. Although my English is not very good, I think I am qualified to become a translator for a few drupal projects. I don't want drupal to not have Vietnamese.
Some of my friends want to start with drupal, But they have difficulty because they are not very good at English, I need to do something.

If your nodes are being displayed in a View, you need to add a language filter and select the interface language or what you need.

Yes of course, I will. I will try to do everything to make drupal better. Surely when there are suggestions or errors regarding accessibility, I will speak up to report them.
Have a nice day, ressa.

Yes, it's true that WCAG compliance is the norm when making websites these days, but seriously, most other CMSs just have a fixed screen reader label.
Let me give an example, Somewhere on the website, There will be an image element but clickable, If you have eyesight then it's simple, But they just label that item as fixed , For example the setting is the setting, But the general setting is still the setting with the screen reader.
This happens even in the settings of some other CMS, But with drupal, Only a few small modules have this problem, Mostly, All the labels are placed very detailed which makes us, Blind people feel I am taken care of.
So, Thank you for your work, I am very grateful.

I will continue with Drupal no matter what, Yes, I will respond if there are accessibility errors, But I think there is very little chance of doing that, Because Drupal is perfect with accessibility, At least with drupal code.

Wow, Really grateful for your help, Maybe it doesn't matter where the server is located, In fact, You: Sam and hostduplex helped me a lot, I overcame the difficulty thanks to your help. your help at that time.
At that time, I was actually having difficulty, But surprisingly you came and helped me, Even though you knew you wouldn't get anything from it.
Yes, I have tried many CMS platforms before like WP and few other CMS, But drupal is my real home, As most of drupal are accessible, But other CMS are not so simple to access.

For us blind people, Drupal is the best website creation platform, Because almost 95% is accessible, Glad that I can at least become an accessibility tester for drupal, Lol.

Yes, I'm glad I didn't give up, And now, I'm the best content sharing website for blind people in Vietnam today, All thanks to drupal.
Hopefully, I can be of some help to the community. What's even better is that Drupal doesn't have any accessibility errors, they're all fine.

Hello guys, Just wanted to share and write a few lines here.
After many months of learning drupal, I understand drupal better, especially, now I can use composer completely.
Luckily, a wonderful blind friend of mine helped me with this.
My website is known to more blind people, It has more essential features and more content, And now it supports 100% English.
The difficulty with drupal for people like me who don't know anything about programming is that there are a lot of things that require using code, and there aren't many modules that support drupal 10 in many types of features, but after all, Here I am with a website that is perfect for my abilities.
And one more thing, I wish I could support drupal because I want drupal to go further, I want to be a part of the drupal community. But in Vietnam, it is very difficult for blind people to find jobs and I am having financial problems. I am really grateful to drupal because everything I need is free.
Hopefully, one day, I will be able to contribute to drupal.
Best regards.

Nice to see your website, We are on the same page, As I am also a blind person from Vietnam and created a website using drupal for my community, Looking forward to discussing with you more as am a blind person using drupal.

Sorry, I can't see the screenshots and give you mine because I'm blind. But you need to combine relationships and different filters to get the desired results.
You need to understand how different filters work, Between combining relationships what you need is possible, Because in filters you can add hidden or visible filters for the user to choose.

I'm very sad that I can't help you better because I'm blind. I really want to help you because of my love for Drupal. Don't give up, Drupal can help you.

Previously, I created a view similar to your request by Adding Relationship to the view.

um. Maybe I have to try to fix my webform module.
Thank you for your answer.

Yes hello, Thank you for your attention, I have processed it successfully.

Yes, Thanks, I can try, But it seems difficult for someone like me who has never done this before, Especially when I have some limitations.

As far as I know, Currently the default web form module and contact module are the 2 modules that can create forms, But is there any module that can create other web forms?
Because I have two difficulties, the first is that I am not a programmer, so I don't know how to use the local composer and then sync to the host. Second, I am completely blind. At the same time, I am the only blind person using drupal in Vietnam, so my access to documentation is very limited, so I cannot fix the errors of the web form module that I encounter.
I know my problem can be solved if I use hosting that supports composer, But I can't move right now, And actually I'm having a lot of trouble learning drupal.
Anyway, Do you have any solution with drupal so that I can create forms other than using webform module, Thanks for replying.

Hello, Since I am a blind person from Vietnam, even a few USD per month is a problem for me.
I installed it manually, But I downloaded the entire required library which I saw in the report, Until all showed up as installed, Do you think this error could be somewhere else Are not? And please can you tell me how to use DDEV?

Oh, thank you very much. You have helped me a lot, At least I can understand the problem, Although the way it works seems a bit different but I understood somewhat.

Thank. Really thanks, I will try now.

Yes. Thank you so much for your wonderful words of encouragement and great help. I will still continue to bring more.

I must say that learning to use drupal is very difficult, No, Not because drupal is bad but because drupal is so awesome and has so many features.

I have used wp before, Learning to use it or add a feature widget to it is also very simple. But the trade-off is that sometimes I can't access my own website haha.

I changed to drupal 1 month ago and I know this is my world. Everything in drupal including modules is accessible. I don't have any accessibility issues like I've had with wp before.

I don't like the comparison between drupal and wp because the intended use is different. but what i want to say is the direction i'm going, drupal helped me.

If you have any advice about my site, Please let me know.

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