Account created on 10 April 2023, almost 2 years ago

Recent comments

Yeah, got it working after specifying absolute path with domain. Thank you for fast response.

Yeah, sure.

Agree that patch has excessive amount of if's, so I've attached updated patch with interdiff. Think that will be enough to just check whether display_handler NULL or not.

BTW this error appears when we have view pdf display (from this module), and trying to create data export display.

Undefined variable $class_methods in views_pdf_form_view_preview_form_alter() (line 59 of /var/www/web/modules/contrib/views_pdf/views_pdf.module)

Changed the name of the variable to follow snake_case.

Yeah, got it working smoothly.
Thank you @jurgenhaas for responses and appreciate your work on this module )

Little bit thinking and I figured why it's not working like that.
When cron executes, current user is with id 0, and then it just doesn't know from where to load users.
So, I think, I need to load authors firstly, and after that load comments.

Still can't get it to work.
My ECA model must check every user, not only specific one, but because "Views: Execute query" action is not firing, I need to switch user to specific user.
(For example user1 posted several comments and user2 posted several comments as well. When cron is executing, i need to check comments from user1 and depending on calculation only from his comments, give him bonus. And I need to do the same action with user2)
This ECA is working with any other event, but not working with "Cron event".
(Added my ECA model, maybe it'll be easier to understand my goal here).

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