Hello Mr. Nick_vh,
My name is Durgesh Kumar Prajapati. I am doing Bachelor of Technology ( computer science engineering ) from SR Institute Of Management and Technology (SRIMT) Lucknow which is affiliated with Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University. I am Full Stack Developer having my expertise in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, jQuery, PHP, Laravel, MySQL and c/c++ Programming Language (Data Structure). I've been a contributed in SWOC (Social Winter Of Code) which is a Open Source Program.I would like to Contribute in "CSS Modernization Initiative". Could you guide to me Contibute in Gsoc'23.
E-mail - Durgeshkumar4993@gmail.com
GitHub - https://github.com/Durgesh4993
Leatcode - https://leetcode.com/durgeshkumar4993/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/durgeshkumar4993/
Profolio - https://durgesh4993.github.io/MyProfolio.github.io/