🇷🇺Russia @BadWebCoder

Account created on 10 November 2022, over 2 years ago

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🇷🇺Russia BadWebCoder

I have the same problem and I don't understand how to make it work right

🇷🇺Russia BadWebCoder

Well, it turns out it's something else. My Drush 12 ignores my settings.php and uses default values
And I remembered that I had a similar problem earlier when I was just updating sites on Drush 12 when I run drush cr I got error:
Missing $settings['hash_salt'] in settings.php.

And now, I tried getting the path of public:// and assets:// during debug and I got /sites/default/files` through Drush 12 and /sites/default/files/public through Drush 11 or Admin Toolbar.

My settings are arranged like this: sites/settings.php contains my main settings, which are used both on prod and on dev. In sites/default/settings.php I have individual settings depending on the environment. There via require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/settings.php'; I connect the main settings to the individual ones. And Drush 12 sees only those values that I directly specified in sites/default/settings.php. He stopped seeing what I get from sites/settings.php and for this I have to transfer the necessary parameters from sites/settings.php to sites/default/settings.php
And after I set $settings['file_public_path'] = 'sites/default/files/public in sites/default/settings.php', then when I run drush cr css and js clears

I'm closing the issue because the problem turned out to be something else

🇷🇺Russia BadWebCoder


Are you running your webserver and drush as the same user?


What are the owner, group and permissions on your files directory?

korotkov:korotkov (like all files on my local server) and 775 permissions

Have you configured file_assets_path in settings.php?

No, but assets:// the default is sites/default/files/public/

But css and js cleans with the same settings if I do it through Drush 11, or through Drush 12 but on Drupal 10.0

🇷🇺Russia BadWebCoder

@cilefen, I tested on 10.1.x dev and the problem remains

🇷🇺Russia BadWebCoder

#45, works when I run cache clear via admin toolbar, but doesn't work via Drush.
When I run drush cr command I get the following messages:

[notice] The file assets://css was not deleted because it does not exist.
[notice] The file assets://js was not deleted because it does not exist.

As a result, old CSS and JS files are not deleted, and new ones are not created.

🇷🇺Russia BadWebCoder

#45, It works when I clear the cache via the admin toolbar, but not when I do it via Drush.
When I run drush cr I get the following messages:

[notice] The file assets://css was not deleted because it does not exist.
[notice] The file assets://js was not deleted because it does not exist.

CSS and JS are not removed and new files are not created.

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