πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States @michael.acevedo@pomona.edu

Account created on 12 October 2022, over 1 year ago

Recent comments

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States michael.acevedo@pomona.edu

Hi @rishabjasrotia,

Sorry for the delay!

We tried adding the latest patch to the 2.01 version and got a "Could not apply patch" error message.
Before upgrading to 2.01, we removed the old patch, then we upgraded the module, and then tried adding the latest patch.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States michael.acevedo@pomona.edu

Yes, we were using this patch:
"Hide domestic country": " https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2019-02-21/hide_domestic_country_275... β†’ "

Is there a way to hide domestic country in 2.01 ?

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States michael.acevedo@pomona.edu


We are using Drupal 10.2.5, PHP 8.2.18 and Composer 2.7.4.
After upgrading we ran update.php and had these updates:

Module Update ID Type Description
--------- ------------------------ --------------- ------------------------
address 9201 hook_update_n 9201 - Add the
address_line3 field.
address default_widget_wrapper post-update Add the "Wrapper type"
setting to the default

We have a content type using the Address field and after upgrading and running update.php we got a fatal error when view that type.

Fatal error: Could not check compatibility between Drupal\address\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\AddressDefaultFormatter::settingsForm(array $form, Drupal\address\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\FormStateInterface $form_state) and Drupal\Core\Field\FormatterBase::settingsForm(array $form, Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state), because class Drupal\address\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\FormStateInterface is not available in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/address/src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/AddressDefaultFormatter.php on line 144

Let me know if you need any more info to replicate.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States michael.acevedo@pomona.edu

I'm getting this fatal error after upgrade to 1.13

Error: Cannot instantiate abstract class Drupal\office_hours\EventSubscriber\OfficeHoursEventSubscriber in Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService() (line 259 of core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php).

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States michael.acevedo@pomona.edu

I'm also getting lots of empty paragraphs when I paste in text from Word. Here's what I have in my paste filter:
I can provide the Word doc I'm using if needed.

      enabled: true
          enabled: true
          weight: -4
          search: '<o:p><\/o:p>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -54
          search: '(<[^>]*) (style="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -53
          search: '(<[^>]*) (face="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -52
          search: '(<[^>]*) (class="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -51
          search: '(<[^>]*) (valign="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -50
          search: '<font[^>]*>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -49
          search: '<\/font>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -48
          search: '<span[^>]*>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -47
          search: '<\/span>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -3
          search: '<p>&nbsp;<\/p>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -2
          search: '<p><\/p>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -46
          search: '<b><\/b>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -45
          search: '<i><\/i>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -44
          search: '<a name="OLE_LINK[^"]*">(.*?)<\/a>'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -43
          search: '<(img|address|article|aside|audio|blockquote|button|canvas|caption|center|cite|clippath|code|col|colgroup|defs|details|div|embed|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|g|head|html|iframe|input|label|legend|main|nav|rect|script|section|source|style|summary|svg|title|mj-raw|video)[^>]*>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -42
          search: '<(\/address|\/article|\/aside|\/audio|\/blockquote|\/button|\/canvas|\/caption|\/center|\/cite|\/clippath|\/code|\/col|\/colgroup|\/defs|\/details|\/div|\/embed|\/fieldset|\/figcaption|\/figure|\/footer|\/form|\/g|\/head|\/html|\/iframe|\/input|\/label|\/legend|\/main|\/nav|\/rect|\/script|\/section|\/source|\/style|\/summary|\/svg|\/title|\/mj-raw|\/video)[^>]*>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -41
          search: '<td[^>]*>'
          replace: '<td>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -40
          search: '<tr[^>]*>'
          replace: '<tr>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -39
          search: '<o:p>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -38
          search: '<\/o:p>'
          replace: ''
          enabled: true
          weight: -37
          search: '(<[^>]*) (align="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -36
          search: '<h2[^>]*>'
          replace: '<h2>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -35
          search: '<h3[^>]*>'
          replace: '<h3>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -34
          search: '<h4[^>]*>'
          replace: '<h4>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -33
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          enabled: true
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          replace: '<h6>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -31
          search: '<li[^>]*>'
          replace: '<li>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -30
          search: '<ul[^>]*>'
          replace: '<ul>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -29
          search: '<ol[^>]*>'
          replace: '<ol>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -28
          search: '<strong[^>]*>'
          replace: '<strong>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -27
          search: '(<[^>]*) (start="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -26
          search: '(<[^>]*) (type="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -25
          search: '(<[^>]*) (id="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -24
          search: '(<[^>]*) (name="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -23
          search: '(<[^>]*) (shash="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -22
          search: '(<[^>]*) (title="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -21
          search: '(<[^>]*) (referrerpolicy="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -20
          search: '(<[^>]*) (rel="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -19
          search: '<h1[^>]*>'
          replace: '<p>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -18
          search: '<\/h1>'
          replace: '</p>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -17
          search: '(<[^>]*) (role="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -16
          search: '<th[^>]*>'
          replace: '<th>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -15
          search: '<p[^>]*>'
          replace: '<p>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -14
          search: '(<[^>]*) (bgcolor="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -13
          search: '(<[^>]*) (data-(\S+)="((?:\\.|[^"\\])*)")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -12
          search: '<em[^>]*>'
          replace: '<em>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -11
          search: '(<[^>]*) (aria-(\S+)="((?:\\.|[^"\\])*)")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -10
          search: '(<[^>]*) (tabindex="[^"]*")'
          replace: $1
          enabled: true
          weight: -9
          search: '<table[^>]*>'
          replace: '<table>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -8
          search: '<b>'
          replace: '<strong>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -7
          search: '<\/b>'
          replace: '</strong>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -6
          search: '<i>'
          replace: '<em>'
          enabled: true
          weight: -5
          search: '<\/i>'
          replace: '</em>'
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States michael.acevedo@pomona.edu

After patch #36, paragraphs still go out of container.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States michael.acevedo@pomona.edu

After the patch #36, paragraphs still go out of container.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States michael.acevedo@pomona.edu

With the Claro theme Paragraphs are getting cut off using Field Groups vertical tabs.

Production build 0.69.0 2024