Sounds valid, can you confirm its working?
Nice, Thanks @jweowu! Think this issue can be closed now? Agree @tm01xx?
@narendra.rajwar27 Wouldn't it be better to just add your own patch to your specific project with this specific case instead of keeping a merge request open? Or am I getting your intention wrong.
More info on applying a local patch on a module:
Maybe consider not only look at paths but somewhere you can define roles in which case other rules are applied. Most easy fix would be to just add unsafe inline when a user role is in the defined roles.
@vensires Just for understanding, looking at the if (!str_starts_with(PHP_OS, 'WIN'))
in core. It's always connected with a directory/file permission command. If you search for str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\'
they don't do the OS check. Is it necessary?
Housekeeping: Added 4 screenshots.
I've created the Merge Request. Can someone review it?
Going to work on this issue on DrupalCon Barcalona 2024. Chris Darke was my mentor. Discussed this issue with Ben. Going to start a new branch and start from there.
Just thinking.. In /web/core/misc/dialog/off-canvas/css/button.css the #drupal-off-canvas-wrapper .button
is set to a width: 100%;
If the dialog is on the right side of the (desktop) screen I guess it's designed to be as wide as the dialog. If the dialog is at the top or at mobile, it indeed looks a bit strange. I think it would look strange in all themes. Wouldn't it then be better to fix this in the dialog off-canvas button css file and maybe remove the width: 100%
over there, or alternatively check if dialog is at left/right side and set the width to 100%?
Thanks for fast merging!
Groendijk → created an issue.
Wouldn't be use Drupal\search_api\LoggerTrait; use LoggerTrait;
be more in line with the other code?