Account created on 12 October 2022, over 2 years ago

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I also had this issue and solved it with the patch from #42. I didn't try any of the other patches based on #60
I am on views_data_export 1.2 on drupal 9.5.11.

I also had this issue and solved it with the patch from #42 from 🐛 Problem with action path for embedded forms Needs work .
I am on views_data_export 1.2 on drupal 9.5.11

I am trying to do the same thing. Was this closed because there is a way to do it and I'm just missing it? I tried using views merge rows and ended up with this error:

Call to protected method Drupal\views\Plugin\views\style\StylePluginBase::renderFields() from context '' in views_merge_rows_views_pre_render() (line 43 of modules/custom/views_merge_rows/views_merge_rows.module).

Wasn't sure as to whether I should have reopened this or made a new ticket. Apologies if I guessed wrong.


Ah gotcha, thanks so much for the quick response!

For 2) I tested with a new product type where the image was only on the product type and not the variation and the image came through fine. When I added an image to the variation type for this test the same issue occurred as above. i.e. the image would import on the variation but not the product type.

I also have this issue. I think it is also resulting in an issue where on pages where you only have to scroll a tiny bit, the sticky header will cause the page to jump back up to where the header is no longer sticky and in some cases prevent you from scrolling down and seeing the footer.

I also have the same issue. Mine disappeared after editing an existing link to use tokens.

Sorry to reopen this, but the last couple of comments suggest this isn't completed. Can anyone confirm whether this module works on Drupal 10? On the project page, it isn't listed as d10 ready.

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