🇮🇳India @mugesh.s

Tamil Nadu
Account created on 24 August 2022, over 2 years ago

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🇮🇳India mugesh.s Tamil Nadu

Thank you for your contribution.

🇮🇳India mugesh.s Tamil Nadu

I've tested @vandana's MR as a patch and it works.

🇮🇳India mugesh.s Tamil Nadu

I have reviewed your post and contributions in the account.

🇮🇳India mugesh.s Tamil Nadu

Issue : This issue clearly depends on the Update Manager module when using both the Update Manager and Admin Toolbar together

To reproduce the issue in Drupal 10.4.2 or above:

  1. Administration > Extend : Enable Admin Toolbar , Admin Toolbar Extra Tools and Update Manager
  2. Structure > Menu > Administration , Click edit menu

Root cause :
File path :web/modules/contrib/admin_toolbar/admin_toolbar_tools/src/Plugin/Derivative/ExtraLinks.php : line 489 and 501

  1. Drupal 10.4.x does not have the update.theme_install route name, while it was there in Drupal 10.3.x. and below
  2. The error encountered is due to the condition if (version_compare(\Drupal::VERSION, '11.0.0', '<')).

solution :
Change the condition if (version_compare(\Drupal::VERSION, '10.4.0', '<')) to make it work.

🇮🇳India mugesh.s Tamil Nadu

Hi @kushagra.goyal

This issue is encountered in Drupal versions lower than 11, I faced it in 10.4.0. After installing the module, navigating to the admin menu (/admin/structure/menu/manage/admin) resulted in this error. When applying the patch the issue got fixed and might work only in versions lower than 11.

🇮🇳India mugesh.s Tamil Nadu
  • Add the patch and clear the cachedrush cr
🇮🇳India mugesh.s Tamil Nadu

I am trying to implement the Twitter API, but I encountered a blank block. I checked and debugged the code, and this is the result I got

file path (socialfeed/src/Plugin/Block/TwitterPostBlock.php)

Does this Twitter API only work with the Basic Plan?

I am referring to the site https://twitteroauth.com/ and using API v2. I only get the 'user/me' endpoint; other GET routes are available on the Basic Plan. Could you please clarify this issue?

I changed the code at the path socialfeed/src/Services/TwitterPostCollector.php to use the getPosts function

   return $this->twitter->get('users/me');

🇮🇳India mugesh.s Tamil Nadu

#3 worked for me as well , solution to problem in pathauto after upgrade site drupal 9 to drupal 10.

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