🇮🇳India @sdhruvi5142

Account created on 24 August 2022, almost 2 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India sdhruvi5142

Verified MR13! and the fixes are working as expected.

Testing Steps followed:
1. Install Bulma theme with Drupal 10.
2. Install and enable the Web from module.
3. Create a form with some required fields. Changes observed here.

Testing result:
The asterik(*) are being properly working as expected for the required fields.

Status : PASS
Attaching SS for reference.

🇮🇳India sdhruvi5142

Hi, I've verified and tested MR! 7042 and applied patch successfully on 11.x Version the changes are working as expected.

Following steps I followed:
1. Open local and Go to /admin/structure/types/manage/article/display/default
2. Activate Layout Builder
3. Change the order of the default blocks to Tags, Body, Image, Comments
4. Click the Discard changes button
5. Click confirm
6. Reapply the changes to the block order for the layout
7. Click the Discard changes button again
8. Click the Cancel button
9. Observed the changes here

Testing Result:
After changing the orders of the default blocks and click on Discard changes button > Clicked on Cancel button and user was redirected back to the page of the layout so the user is able to continue with the already made changes. Hence the changes are working as expected.

Attaching the videos for reference.

Hence moving to RTBC!

🇮🇳India sdhruvi5142

Hi, verified and tested MR !6447 and applied Patch successfully on 11.x version. And all the changes are working as expected.

Following steps I followed:
For scenario 1 "Checkbox alignment"
1. Open local and Install Oliverio theme
2. Go to /admin/structure/types/manage/article/display/default/layout
3. Checked the show content preview checkbox and its alignment and observed the changed here

Testing Result for Scenario 1:
The Alignment of the "Show content preview" looks proper as expected.
Attaching the SS for reference.

For Scenario 2 " When sidebar is added spacing issue"
1. Go to /admin/structure/types/manage/article/display/default/layout
2. Added the Sidebar in the Layout
3. Now observed the changes here

Testing result for Scenario 2:
The spacing looks as expected when we add the side bar and "Show content preview" Checkbox displayed in next line
Attaching the SS for reference.

Hence moving to RTBC!

🇮🇳India sdhruvi5142

Hi, Verified and tested #4 patch file on 10.x version. It is working as expected now.
Followed the below testing steps:
1. Open local in safari browser 16 Version
2. Install the GIN theme [Gin 8.x-3.0-rc8 ] set as an administration theme.
3. Go to the
4. Observed the changes here

Testing Result:
Now the drag icon are visible properly in safari browser.
Attaching the screenshot for reference
Hence moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India sdhruvi5142

Hi, I've verified and tested this issue on drupal latest version 11.x-dev with applied patch #4 and without applied patch in both scenarios, it is working as expected and found no issue.

Followed below testing steps:
1. Install the Drupal 11.x version
2. Install/Enable the Olivero Theme
3. Now went to Primary menu and secondary menu on narrow screens (Mobile, Ipad and 1024(Laptop))
4. And it is working as expected

Testing Results:
In Narrow screens also the secondary menu was getting expanded and working as expected.
Attaching screenshots for reference
Hence moving to RTBC

🇮🇳India sdhruvi5142

Tested - https://git.drupalcode.org/project/fashion_beauty/-/merge_requests/23
Testing Comments:
This issue is fixed. On User reset password page - Submit button have space in bottom.
Status - PASS

🇮🇳India sdhruvi5142

Tested - https://git.drupalcode.org/project/fashion_beauty/-/merge_requests/24
Testing Comments:
This issue is fixed. On mobile view - User login page - Username and password input box are set properly.
Status - PASS

🇮🇳India sdhruvi5142

Tested - https://git.drupalcode.org/project/fashion_beauty/-/merge_requests/21
Testing Comments:
This issue is fixed. Now Password Label have space from top and Login button have space from bottom.
Status - PASS

🇮🇳India sdhruvi5142

Tested - https://git.drupalcode.org/project/fashion_beauty/-/merge_requests/20
Testing Comments:
This issue is fixed. In Mobile view Search page - Keywords input box is in full width and Search button have space from top in Android as well as IOS device.
Status - PASS

🇮🇳India sdhruvi5142

Tested - https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-09-15/3387496-2.patch
Testing Comments:
After applying the patch this issue is fixed. Tested the mentioned fields as well as added some more other fields to check (*) sign for the fields which are set as required and it is working for those fields also.
Status - PASS

Production build 0.69.0 2024