Thank you @pingwin4eg for your detailed comment. New release 1.5.1 is published.
Thank you all for the reports and the patch. I have finally decided to discard the patch and implement a solution for all languages available in Drupal by default. Thank you all once again!
Thank you all for the reports and the patch. I have finally decided to discard the patch and implement a solution for all languages available in Drupal by default. Thank you all once again!
Thank you all for the reports and the patch. I have finally decided to discard the patch and implement a solution for all languages available in Drupal by default. Thank you all once again!
Thank you for your report!
I'll include in the next version!
Thanks for using it!
Added suport for clean urls on entities and fixed thsi issue
Working to fix it asap.
Merged! Thanks @luksak!
Thank you @aman_Inwebworks, your patch works perfectly.
I haven't applied your merge request because it was made against the main branch, and I couldn't find a way to change that. I've switched the default branch to 1.x and have released a new version. Thank you very much!
Implemented in the 1.3.2 version. Thanks!
The problem is solved in 1.3.1 version!
Thanks for your report Bandana!
I install Drupal 10.2.2 and PHP 8.1 as you can see in the attached images, and the component is working without any problem.
Please, be sure that your module version is the latest (1.2.0) because this error was solved in older versions.
Thank you!
Thank you for your report. I will try to reproduce the error.
Check latest version
I added support to Drupal 8 and I solved all indicated issues except this one:
The correct code to retrieve a module path is to call drupal_get_path(), for any Drupal version lower than 9.3, or \Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionPathResolver::getPath(), starting from Drupal 9.3.
If you check the interface ModuleHandlerInterface of core version 8.9.x (lower than 9.3) (ModuleHandlerInterface.php) there is a method called "getModule" that returns one object of type \Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension. This object provides the method "getPath()" that I use in the code, so I understand that this part is fine and I don't need to change it.
Anyway, since I've added support for version 8, I've tested everything fine on a fresh 8.9.20 install and it works fine.
Thank you very much to all for all your support!
Thank you for your patient...
First of all, thank you for your reviews!
I have corrected the errors that you have indicated to me, I have created a new branch name (1.x) and push the changes.
Excuse me if I haven't understood something correctly, anything you see strange, please let me know, I will be on the lookout for this issue.
Best regards!
Hi, thanks. I just created another project and the error is gone.
Sorry for disturb with this error.