
Account created on 29 June 2022, over 2 years ago

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I'm still getting some weird errors with group & groupmenu, but I'm guessing it's still in alpha and getting worked out!

OHHH I am quite silly. The dev release is newer and directly address this via

composer require 'drupal/groupmenu:3.0.x-dev@dev'

deploying now!

Was this ever fixed? I still get issues using 8.x-2.0-rc4 on Drupal 9.5.9 when trying to masquerade as a SAML authenticated user

Error: Call to undefined method Drupal\user\Entity\User::setAccount() in simplesamlphp_auth_user_logout() (line 68 of /code/web/modules/contrib/simplesamlphp_auth/simplesamlphp_auth.module)

@Adarshsri786 any update on if this module will be made D10 compatible?

This issue is quite frustrating as I'm looking to stage D10... Glad that there are some recent comments though and it's probably just something I am misunderstanding!

I did find a similar reference for this issue at https://www.drupal.org/project/group/issues/3298788#comment-14661264 🐛 Group 2.0 upgrade path? Fixed which mentions downgrading Group, then installing Flexible_Permissions, then enabling the module...

That at least gets me passed the main error above for a non-existence dependency described above. But now I get a different and equally confusing error (which might be specific to drupal/group:^1.5) as the following:

Fatal error: Cannot declare class Drupal\group_test_content\Entity\StringConfig, because the name is already in use in /code/web/modules/contrib/group/src/Entity/StringConfig.php on line 0

My thought at this point is that the Group module just isn't D10 ready given this Flexible_Permissions business.

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