Houston, TX
Account created on 3 June 2022, over 2 years ago

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🇺🇸United States Amirez Houston, TX

rebased 3425692--development-services-docs against 11.x

🇺🇸United States Amirez Houston, TX

Amirez made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States Amirez Houston, TX

I've set up a fresh Drupal 10 website, installed the Gutenberg:3.0.x-dev module via Composer, and enabled it specifically for the Article content type. However, within the Gutenberg editor, when attempting to select blocks by typing Type / to choose a block, the options don't appear as expected, necessitating the use of the plus button to access block types and patterns. It's worth noting that reusable blocks are not accessible, preventing the addition of blocks such as "Powered by Drupal" and "Who's Online." Additionally, the Drupal block "Search form [Forms]" doesn't seem to be functional when added.

I also noticed that the icon for reusable blocks is missing from the toolbar, which typically appears next to the preview and settings tabs.

🇺🇸United States Amirez Houston, TX

I've created a brand new Drupal 10 website, installed the ckeditor_braille module via Composer, enabled it, and configured the text format to incorporate the Braille button, which I then tested on a node. Everything seemed to work perfectly. Later, I uninstalled the module, but left the Braille button on the CKEditor toolbar, and surprisingly, everything remained functional. Additionally, I verified that the module's configuration page and help resources were still accessible.

🇺🇸United States Amirez Houston, TX

@ultimike I was wondering if I could ask you a favor. Would you mind adding a new automated test for Persian (farsi) language which is written from right-to-left.

For example:

  1. Sample content:
    سام پس از نیایش با گروھی به سوی کوه البرز رفت. سیمرغ از فراز کوه سام و گروه او را دید و دانست که در پی کودک آمده‌اند.
  2. Trimmed to 50 characters:
    سام پس از نیایش با گروھی به سوی کوه البرز رفت. سیم
  3. Trimmed to 7 words:
    سام پس از نیایش با گروھی به
  4. Trimmed to end of sentence after 7th word:
    سام پس از نیایش با گروھی به سوی کوه البرز رفت.

Also there is no CKEditor button for this text field to insert "the content of input start from the right", which I think that is causing the period "." to appears at the start of the sentence in example 1 and 4.


🇺🇸United States Amirez Houston, TX

@ultimike - I've changed the project to "view reference field". I searched the issue queue and found the exact same issue 🐛 Warning: Undefined array key "data" Closed: outdated being reported.

I'm going to apply and test the latest patch to see if that works, I will keep you updated.


🇺🇸United States Amirez Houston, TX

@ultimike Apparently that Twig|filter {% for key, item in content.bp_tab_section|filter(key => key|first == '#') %} doesn't work on my site neither.
I tried your "workaround code", it did work but I got several warnings:
Warning: Array to string conversion in __TwigTemplate_50b45d73b2f3aed42e8c7384c3269f44->doDisplay() (line 141 of sites/default/files/php/twig/641b550d27442_paragraph--bp-tabs.html.t_JiV0wBml5bZeEjCJFMlyyWRdu/q6IuPi1QF5Vc0ZOn_ezvXfazGeN5Ju6PQDbYqX9W-jI.php).

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