Account created on 27 April 2022, almost 3 years ago

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In case of group content menu the menu id isn't an integer but is a string like group_menu_link_content-9.
$this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('group_content_menu')->load($menu_id); returns null

Patches don't work correctly(drupal 9.5/10).


  1. Site is multilingual (there are 3 languages)
  2. Create field in the Article CT which type is link(non translatable, unlimited)
  3. Need only URL (Allow link text is disabled )
  4. create new Article and set 3-4 ULRs(working great)
  5. Translate node and click save
  6. Throw errors (img)
  7. 2th time we can't translate the same translation.

It's work for me.

I have had checkbox field and At first didn't work but when I remove field and add other type(date) starts work. :)

Single on/off checkbox(Img1) must be Check boxes/radio buttons(img2) and all work.

I don't know about taxonomy term but maybe it will work for term.

Need preprocess_entity_print and add Your css.
Its work for me.

CUTOM_MODULE_preprocess_entity_print(&$variables) {
  if ($variables['content'][0][0]['#node']->getType() == 'CONTENT_TYPE') {
    $custom_css = '<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="LINK_TO_CSS"/>';
    $variables['entity_print_css'] = Markup::create($custom_css . $variables['entity_print_css']->__toString());

If we have No results behavior then its show too.

Our project like this
1` enable drupal core module workflow (revision levels)
2` have translator roles (can only translate content)
3` when I created Node(draft version) and that time translator can not change paragraph(it's OK) but when change draft to In translation that moment Translator can not translate paragraph (It's wrong)
Thereby I offer change andIf to orIf . It's work correct (for me).

Production build 0.71.5 2024