We narrowed it down to the 'comment fragment' module; uninstalling it gets rid of the error. This bug report can be closed, we filed a bug report with the module: https://www.drupal.org/project/comment_fragment/issues/3511710 🐛 Module breaks edit and delete links for comments Active
ovquiaf → created an issue.
Thanks for implementing it, I wasn't sure how to contribute a patch, or how verbose the code should be. Looking forward to the release!
ovquiaf → created an issue.
Updated title/body to better reflect the problem/scope of the issue
We've been digging into this issue a bit more.
In DiscoveryTrait.php line 53:
The "entity:delete_action:comment" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\Core\Action\ActionManager are: node_assign_owner_action, node_unpublish_by_keyword_action, comment_unpu
blish_by_keyword_action, node_make_sticky_action, node_promote_action, node_unpromote_action, node_make_unsticky_action, user_block_user_action, user_remove_role_action, user_add_role_actio
n, user_unblock_user_action, user_cancel_user_action, entity:delete_action:media, entity:delete_action:node, action_message_action, entity:publish_action:block_content, entity:publish_actio
n:comment, entity:publish_action:media, entity:publish_action:node, entity:publish_action:path_alias, entity:publish_action:taxonomy_term, entity:publish_action:menu_link_content, action_go
to_action, action_send_email_action, entity:save_action:block_content, entity:save_action:comment, entity:save_action:file, entity:save_action:media, entity:save_action:node, entity:save_ac
tion:taxonomy_term, entity:save_action:user, entity:save_action:menu_link_content, entity:unpublish_action:block_content, entity:unpublish_action:comment, entity:unpublish_action:media, ent
ity:unpublish_action:node, entity:unpublish_action:path_alias, entity:unpublish_action:taxonomy_term, entity:unpublish_action:menu_link_content
exit status 1
Failed to run drush config:import-missing system.action.comment_delete_action: exit status 1
Removed inaccuracy in the report; there is no other way to remove a single comment other than the 'bulk delete' form. I wrongfully described deleting the parent node as 'deleting the comment', but there deleting the comment is a side-effect.
Thanks for your reply @cilefen. We have tried the other suggestions from https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3045570#comment-14111976: →
- Configuration Update Manager: didn't show any relevant missing configuration items, but we made sure the list was empty anyway. Sadly no change
- Importing original system.action.comment_delete_action.yml: no changes except the langcode field. Import succeeded, didn't fix the error
- Configuration Update Manager: using 'Revert to source' function (when the langcode differs from source). Triggers the same
PluginNotFoundException: The "entity:delete_action:comment" plugin does not exist.
- Configuration Update Manager: using 'Delete' function to remove system.action.comment_delete_action, then using 'Missing configuration items' to 'Import from source'. Also triggers the same
PluginNotFoundException: The "entity:delete_action:comment" plugin does not exist.
- Importing a 'single item' config (using
) for system.action.comment_delete_action, using the yml from source. Import works. But when bulk deleting a comment, still triggers the PluginNotFoundException
Hope this helps to narrow it down?
ovquiaf → created an issue.
ovquiaf → created an issue.
While researching possible workarounds, I came across this thread, that mentions uninstalling the Internal Page Cache module. That works for us, the view now updates for both admin and anonymous users. Not sure if this is a bug in the Entity Delete Log module or not.
Ovquiaf → created an issue.
Sorry, ignore this feature request. I misunderstood the security fix; it is possible to make the view available for anonymous users by setting the access permissions of the view. The problem I'm having is that the contents of the view are not refreshed when I make a view that has broader access permissions. I'll file a bug report for this.