Custom view doesn't refresh log data when access permissions are made broader

Created on 25 May 2024, 10 months ago


We're trying to make a subset of the Entity Delete Log data available for anonymous users on our site. To do this, we made a custom view, and set the access permission to 'Unrestricted'. This allows anonymous users to see the output of the view. However, the contents don't seem to 'refresh' when new entries are logged (after deleting nodes, comments etc).

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a duplicate of the 'Entity Delete Log' view
  2. In the duplicate view, set access permissions to 'Unrestricted' and set a new view path, eg '/publiclog'
  3. Load the /publiclog page as an anonymous user
  4. As admin, delete a node on the site
  5. As admin, check /admin/reports/entity-delete-log to see the new entry in the log
  6. As anonymous user, check /publiclog, the new entry will not show up
  7. As admin, check /publiclog, the new entry will also not show up

If you change the view settings, or flush the cache, the view contents will update for both admin and anonymous users.
Tried the following cache flushes to narrow it down:

  • CSS/JS: no
  • Plugin cache: yes
  • Render: no
  • Routing and links cache: yes
  • Static cache: no
  • Twig cache: no
  • Views cache: yes
  • Theme registry: yes

If set the view access permission to 'View site report' and you give the anonymous role the permission to 'View site reports', the view does update, for both the anonymous and admin user.

🐛 Bug report






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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @ovquiaf
  • While researching possible workarounds, I came across this thread, that mentions uninstalling the Internal Page Cache module. That works for us, the view now updates for both admin and anonymous users. Not sure if this is a bug in the Entity Delete Log module or not.

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