Account created on 24 February 2022, almost 3 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

I have fixed the issue please check.

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

Iam working on it.

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

I have fixed the issue kindly review it.

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

This patch is valid and working properly, Hence moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

This looks a lot better and working fine, hence moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

The issue is fixed.
please review

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

I have fixed the Form styling issue, please review it.

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

I have fixed most of the issue mentioned above
kindly review.

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

All errors fixed including the remaining ones, kindly fixed it.

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

All the issues are fixed including the remaining ones, Kindly review.

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

Most of the errors has been fixed,
File appears to be minified and cannot be processed this error need unminified version of the file which is not available.
So please review this patch.

🇮🇳India Bhupesh_upadhyay

I have added the config folder and yml files, please review this.

Production build 0.71.5 2024