Alright. I have corrected the work. Does it suit you now?
rayand β created an issue.
I have updated your theming.
Is it okey for you?
rayand β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Hello @smustgrave,
I am working on Drupal 10.3.7, and indeed, I was using better-exposed-filter version 6.0.6, and since then, I've been getting this AJAX error:
Drupal.AjaxError {message: '\nAn AJAX HTTP error occurred.\nHTTP Result Code: 40β¦onseText: {"message":"Session has not been set."}', name: 'AjaxError', stack: 'Error\n at http://drupal-10.docker.localhost:800β¦.localhost:8000/core/misc/ajax.js?v=10.3.7:1922:3'}.
I have switched to version 7.0.2, but this error persists. Do you need additional details or tests to help you resolve the issue?
Thank you.
Work done. => 3481107-flexible-links
Is it okay for you?
rayand β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Hi, everybody, i confirm:
the patch in :
Error: Attempt to assign property on array in WebformLibrariesCommands->setComposerLibraries()
worked for webform module 6.2.2 in drupal 10.3.6
Thanks for this work.
I have tested your theme in drupal 10.2.2 When i merge your fix with the theme I get an error when I try to access the theme settings: Error: Undefined constant "FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT" in property_zymphonies_theme_form_system_theme_settings_alter() (line 325 of themes/contrib/property_zymphonies_theme/property_zymphonies_theme.theme).
I have tried this patch: focal_point_2906631-24.patch and I use drupal 10.2.2. @Den Tweed . It work strangely. I change the focal point on my media type edition with one click on img but it doesn't change. BUT, if i double-click on my media-type to change focal point, a field appears and i save. I go on my content, img doesn't change but after i change my current breakpoint, img is update.
@brunomolica your patch Failed to Apply. Can you fix it please? I will test this patch with D10 when it's done.
RayanD β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Hi, for my first contribution i can review your work. :) I'm in drupalcon Lille 2023. Thanks you.
RayanD β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
It's okay. :)
Review done. It's okay for me but is it the same spacing for mobile and tablet breakpoint?
Hi, for my first contribution I can take this ticket and see what I can do to fix this problem. :)