Account created on 29 November 2021, over 2 years ago

Merge Requests

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You don't have to enable translations for the custom block type (In your case "a column").
You only have to enable it in the custom blocks type you want to add in the entity reference field. With that once you add an entity reference block in your custom block, it will appear in the rest of the translations. To get the translation of that block you have to go to /admin/content/block, and there in your block, generate the translation in the language you want to appear already translated in your custom block.

Last MR works with core patch ( πŸ› Layout builder fails to assign inline block access dependencies for the overrides section storage on entities with pending revisions Needs work ), and update the sections blocks revision ids if any revision id has been generated in any translation.

This error comes from using patch #2 of the issue πŸ› Layout translation form reports unsaved changes and becomes stale Needs review .
The bug has already been fixed in #4 of that issue so I am closing this issue so that it is not duplicated.

It is not necessary to apply any patch, because if you update the database (drush updb) before exporting the configuration (drush cex) it already launches the necessary hooks to force-clear the config_filter plugin cache.

This is probably the same problem that was reported at πŸ› Layout translation form reports unsaved changes and becomes stale Needs review , when layout translation form reports unsaved changes and becomes stale.
Patch #2 of that issue worked for me.

In our case we have followed the following steps to reproduce it.

  1. Create an inline block and add a media in it, and save the block and the node.
  2. Then if you edit the inline block, you can continue adding media without any problem.
  1. The problem comes when you go to a node translation and change something in it. When you save it updates the id of the revision of the block, but it does not update it inside the section.
  1. So now, if you try to add the media in the original node, it doesn't work because the block revision id doesn't match the revision ids that are available inside the section.

Sometimes I get the same error when I add some media and the patch #3 has not worked for me.

I had the same problem when I tried with Layout builder to add a media in an inline block.
To solve this problem, activate the checkbox β€œCreate new revisions” in the block type, and then I updated all the inline blocks to create a revision for each one.

fruizalejos β†’ changed the visibility of the branch 3376119-RebuildMedia to active.

fruizalejos β†’ changed the visibility of the branch 3376119-RebuildMedia to hidden.

Production build 0.69.0 2024